• Dancing with the Gift of Contrast

    Our lunar goddess is rich with wisdom. Through her phases, she teaches us how to move from darkness into light with the gracefulness of a ballroom dance. We step in, we step out – and we circle back around again. And with each step of this dance, we gain a new experience – a new awareness. What do we receive in darkness that we may not see in the light? And how does the light magnify what’s tucked away in darkness? This is where the gift of contrast comes in – and how the wisdom of the moon serves as a wonderful teacher. Imagine looking up at the night sky during a first quarter lunar phase – and seeing a moon that’s half lit. It…

  • How Will the Full Flower Moon Inspire You?

    This week brings a very powerful full moon phase in the astrological sign of Scorpio. This is the most intense sign of the zodiac – and when it coincides with a full moon, it brings us an opportunity to break free from old patterns and begin claiming the life that we REALLY want. So be prepared for the intensity! This full moon is also known as the Full Flower Moon, inspiring an “inner blooming” that will transcend into every part of your life. This “ripple effect” has the potential to change your life in big and dramatic ways that are quite magical! It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by well-known journal writer and novelist, Anais Nin. “And the day came when the risk…

  • How Can Winter Inspire Your Inner Genius?

    The darkness of the winter season brings an opportunity to reflect on your life’s journey by taking a closer look at who you are – underneath the layers of life. It’s a great time to turn within and write about your innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires. By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – you can reach a place where your personal reflection begins to shed its own light. It’s a time to ponder where you’ve been, how you got to where you are now – and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and to prepare for a new path of travel. It also marks an ideal time for…

  • Emerging from the Shadow

    Sometimes when we’re “stuck” – and fumbling around in the dark, tripping over our own shadow – the universe makes the movement for us. It picks us up, rattles us around – and puts us somewhere. And it’s there, in that place – where we must find a way to “bloom where planted.” It will be there, that we begin the “rooting out” process. And part of this involves rooting out those places where we know we’re living out of balance. It’s time to kick the dependencies that suck resources, and become more self-sufficient with our energy. In this week of a super full moon phase – in the astrological sign of Taurus, there’s a combining of the intense energy of a Scorpio Sun with the…

  • Activating the Light of the Summer Solstice Full Moon

    Last night, I walked into my home office to check my calendar for today’s schedule – and before I could turn on the light, this caught my eye. It was the full moon shining brightly through the front window. Her light was so rich that I just sat there, drawn to the bigness of it. This particular full moon is more than just a full moon. It’s a full-throttle welcome to the summer season – a time of celebration and light. And because the two are coinciding – the summer solstice and the full moon, it gives us a double-dose of light, inviting us to step into the bigness of who we are. So whatever it is you’ve been pondering or dabbling in, or even tapping…