Activating the Light of the Summer Solstice Full Moon
Last night, I walked into my home office to check my calendar for today’s schedule – and before I could turn on the light, this caught my eye.
It was the full moon shining brightly through the front window. Her light was so rich that I just sat there, drawn to the bigness of it.
This particular full moon is more than just a full moon. It’s a full-throttle welcome to the summer season – a time of celebration and light.
And because the two are coinciding – the summer solstice and the full moon, it gives us a double-dose of light, inviting us to step into the bigness of who we are.
So whatever it is you’ve been pondering or dabbling in, or even tapping back into, this is a time to step into the bigness of it.
By intuitively following your own unique rhythm, you are always led in the right direction. It’s like a dot-to-dot, a series of choices and synchronicities that together form a bigger vision. Every choice brings a synchronistic opportunity that is divinely-inspired.
When we listen to the synchronistic messages of our divinely-guided path, it always leads us to where we need to be.
So where are you headed in this season of light? What big thing is just over the horizon for you?
And what bigness is being activated within you as you move toward this light?
These are the types of rich questions that we’ll be exploring in next month’s Moonlight Journaling Retreat – where we’ll be dabbling with 18 different journal writing techniques as we journey through the moon phases during a real-time 28-day lunar cycle.
Come join a beautiful and very sacred circle of women – and dance with your inner wisdom as you explore the various aspects of yourself, your life, and your relationships with others – through the art of journal writing.
For more information, please click on the highlighted link above.
Here’s to dancing into the bigness of the summer horizon by the light of the full solstice moon!

One Comment
Dana Kowalewski
Tina–I loved this: “Every choice brings a synchronistic opportunity that is divinely-inspired. When we listen to the synchronistic messages of our divinely-guided path, it always leads us to where we need to be.”
I took it as a reminder to remember and keep striving towards the big picture, even when the dot to dot synchronicities can sometimes be bumps in the road as we up-level.