• How Can Winter Inspire Your Inner Genius?

    The darkness of the winter season brings an opportunity to reflect on your life’s journey by taking a closer look at who you are – underneath the layers of life. It’s a great time to turn within and write about your innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires. By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – you can reach a place where your personal reflection begins to shed its own light. It’s a time to ponder where you’ve been, how you got to where you are now – and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and to prepare for a new path of travel. It also marks an ideal time for…

  • Emerging from the Shadow

    Sometimes when we’re “stuck” – and fumbling around in the dark, tripping over our own shadow – the universe makes the movement for us. It picks us up, rattles us around – and puts us somewhere. And it’s there, in that place – where we must find a way to “bloom where planted.” It will be there, that we begin the “rooting out” process. And part of this involves rooting out those places where we know we’re living out of balance. It’s time to kick the dependencies that suck resources, and become more self-sufficient with our energy. In this week of a super full moon phase – in the astrological sign of Taurus, there’s a combining of the intense energy of a Scorpio Sun with the…

  • The Power of Your Creative Ripple

    One of my biggest spiritual teachers was my mother. The unfortunate thing is – she never knew it. And truthfully, neither did I – until she transitioned from the human realm to the spiritual realm. It was this transition that magnified the power of my own teachings about life purpose legacy, helping solidify that everything does happen for a reason. As her daughter, I was able to see how her life story affected my own. As a Life Purpose Alchemist, I’m a lover of story. I genuinely love hearing people tell their life stories. Through their words, through their laughter, through their tears – I hear threads of meaning, threads of purpose. And I have a divinely-creative gift for weaving these threads together in a…

  • Dancing Between Darkness and Light

    Our lunar goddess is rich with wisdom. She teaches us how to move from darkness into light with the gracefulness of a ballroom dance. We step in, we step out – and we circle back around again. Looking up at the night sky during a first quarter lunar phase, we see a moon that’s half lit. It serves as a reminder that there’s always more to us than what meets the eye. It sparks a strong sense of curiosity within us. When we ponder any type of change in our lives, we can choose to look at this moon phase as half light – with lots of room for possibilities and expansion. Or we can look at it as half dark – with lots of space to hide,…

  • Are You Living a Van Gogh Story?

    There’s a quote by inspirational speaker and author Wayne Dyer that brings to light the power of now – and the significance that courage plays into fully realizing one’s potential. “Don’t die with your music still inside you.” As a self-empowerment coach for highly-creative and spiritually-minded women who are here to express their life’s purpose through artistic endeavors, I’m fully aware of how much courage it takes to stand in front of an audience and share your unique gifts. Many adults struggle with courage and end up “holding back” – for an entire lifetime – gifts and talents that could so easily be appreciated by others. This “holding back” can be triggered by a multitude of things – lack of self-worth, lack of confidence, fear of criticism, fear of…