• A Journaling Mom’s Path to Self-Discovery

    As we begin to enter the last quarter moon phase, I’m mindful of the baby steps that are needed before we can take off on a full run toward anything in life that we may desire. And with each step we take, there’s an impact – an impression that we make on the path – that has an everlasting effect, not only on us, but on those around us. Imagine for a moment a “pebble thrown into a pond.” It creates a ripple that goes on and on and on. I believe that mothers are a significant part of the “ripple effect” – that will transform the world into a more loving, more nurturing place. When a mother is living life with complete authenticity, she’s…

  • The Journey of Synchronicity

    Imagine being outside on a cool, crisp autumn evening, looking up above and seeing dozens of stars scattered throughout the night sky. They seem to be sparkling with a magical energy that you don’t quite understand, yet you somehow feel connected to it. You sense that the stars “know” what your dreams are and what your passions are – and they’re beckoning you to follow your heart. They appear to have the answers – the answers you’re searching for as you begin to ponder a new beginning for yourself, either personally or professionally – maybe both. As you begin to ponder the direction you want to take and what next steps are needed to get there, think back to the many messages that have been…

  • How Will This Full Moon Spark Your Creativity?

    We’ll be entering a Full Moon phase tonight in the astrological sign of Pisces, which brings a very intuitive and creative energy laced with a strong sense of mysticism. This is a great time to pull projects off the shelf or ideas out of the dusty files of our mind that stir up who we are on an emotional and spiritual level. If you have something that you’ve been wanting to start, but haven’t for one reason or another – now is the time! With the energy of a Pisces Full Moon, you have direct access to your own creative, intuitive, and emotional gifts. And because this is a Harvest Moon, if there’s a project that’s been waiting for the “right time” – this is it! It’s time to harvest…

  • Journaling by the Moonlight – Facilitator Training

    The Journaling by the Moonlight (JBTM) brand is expanding! After receiving numerous requests to bring this body of work to other parts of the world and to a variety of audiences, I made the decision to structure the program in a way that allows for creative teaching through an array of different lenses. And one of the ways to do this is to open a global circle that will allow others to facilitate the Journaling by the Moonlight process in way that’s tailored to a particular audience. Originally created for mothers, this unique process is ideal for creative and spiritually-minded individuals who yearn for a deeper connection to self, and who are ready to tap into their inner light – what I call the “full moon within” – and claim their authentic self,…

  • Are You a Human Being – or a Human Doing?

    Whenever we watch the news, we can see global unrest happening all over the world. People are confused, frustrated, unsatisfied, and angry about this or that – and are desperately seeking answers to questions that feel puzzling. They’re scrambling, looking for things they can do to fix whatever problem they may be facing. And then there are those who are reaching beyond just wanting answers to their questions and quick-fix solutions. They are the ones who are looking for ways to bring more meaning into their lives through a deeper connection to self and a beingness that feels more authentically-aligned. There’s a deep yearning for purpose and passion – and a desire for crystal clear clarity about life itself. This is what inspires more thought-provoking questions,…