• Need an Author’s Checklist?

    As a certified creativity coach, I work a lot with authors and writers, many of whom are looking to publish their work with a traditional publisher. A question that comes up often is, “Do I need an agent?” I invited my colleague Elizabeth Kracht, author of the book, The Author’s Checklist: An Agent’s Guide to Developing and Editing Your Manuscript to join me for a dialogue on my blog today about her role as a literary agent and what advice she has for aspiring authors.  ********************* What do you like most about being a literary agent? I like helping people to realize their dreams. I like to promote artists. I like having a pulse on what’s happening with humanity, in this country, with individuals, and hearing about projects…

  • How Can Winter Inspire Your Creative Genius?

    The winter season is a wonderful time to immerse yourself in the creative process! It brings a rich opportunity to awaken the “creative genius within” by exploring the gifts that are found in nature’s darkness. It allows us to reflect on our personal and creative journeys, taking a closer look at who we are – underneath the layers of life. By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – we can reach a place where our personal reflection begins to shed its own light. It’s a time to ponder where we’ve been on our creative journey, how we got to where we are now – and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of…

  • How Will You Illuminate the World?

    As we settle into autumn’s first full moon phase, here’s a great quote to ponder – “You have to find what sparks a light in you, so that you – in your own way – can illuminate the world.” Take a moment to connect with your inner spark. How does it get ignited? What is happening within you and around you when your feel on fire? What is the “it” that lights you up every time you come in contact with it – or even think about it? And how does “this” reflect the uniqueness in you? How does it want to be expressed creatively? These are great questions to take into your journal under the light of a full autumn moon. And if you’d like…

  • Inspiration – Signs from the Other Side

    Artists and writers are often inspired by creative muses, which come in various forms and at unexpected times. In my case, it was the moon that inspired a body of work that I didn’t realize I had within me. After moving through a difficult phase in my life, it was the moon that taught me the significance of transition – and how our life journeys are always shifting from darkness into light, and cycling around again. Inspiration comes when you’re least expecting it, even from the other side – as described by author Bill Philipps in his new book, Signs from the Other Side: Opening to the Spirit World – which was recently published by New World Library. This book offers techniques for listening to intuition and…

  • Full Moon Dreaming

    For many centuries, the moon has inspired thousands of beautiful stories, songs, dances, paintings, and poems. Through its many phases, she has served as a muse in a variety of ways. What is it about the moon that stirs our innermost thoughts and inspires our deepest creativity? What is it about her that unleashes the magic of our dreams? The full moon phase brings a time of high energy and great sensitivity. It’s also a period of extraordinary creativity. Dreams (both day and night) are at their height during this phase with the potential to activate possibilities that you never thought were possible.  As you take in the radiant light of tonight’s full moon, notice what comes to mind.  How does this connect with your creative voice? And what within…