Tina M. Games is the author of Journaling by the Moonlight: A Mother’s Path to Self-Discovery (an interactive book with an accompanying deck of 54 journaling prompt cards). As a certified creativity and life purpose coach, and a gifted intuitive, she is the “Moonlight Muse” for women who want to tap into the “full moon within” and claim their authentic self, both personally and professionally. Through her signature coaching programs, based on the phases of the moon, Tina gently guides women from darkness to light as they create an authentic vision filled with purpose, passion and creative expression. She lives on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with her husband and their two children.

  • Life Organizing: Managing Your Time for Self and Others

    In my work as a Life Purpose Alchemist, I work with highly-creative and spiritually-minded women who desire a life filled with authenticity, passion, meaningful connection, and creative self-expression. When all of these dots are connected, women are capable of creating massive ripples of positive influence in the world that can show up in the most interesting of ways. But what happens when a woman over-extends herself in the giving to others? Is the ripple as effective as it would be if she was prioritizing her own needs in the way she prioritizes the needs of others? Is it possible to over-provide? I’ve asked author and self-care expert, Jennifer Loudon to join me on my blog today to share her thoughts about over-providing. Jennifer Louden is a personal growth…

  • What Are the Gifts in Life’s Darker Moments?

    With the sudden passing of actor and comedian, Robin Williams – depression has once again taken the spotlight. This time, however, it’s being met with a compassion and empathy that I haven’t seen before. Because Williams lived his life through a lens of humor and laughter – and came across as an approachable and joyful beam of light, many took his passing quite personally, as if they’d known him on an intimate level. And in many ways, this was true – as the characters he played on television and in films represented the types of people that we could all identify with in one way or another. Even in his personal interviews with talk show hosts and reporters, Williams conveyed an energy that was instantly…

  • Journaling by the Moonlight – Facilitator Training

    The Journaling by the Moonlight (JBTM) brand is expanding! After receiving numerous requests to bring this body of work to other parts of the world and to a variety of audiences, I made the decision to structure the program in a way that allows for creative teaching through an array of different lenses. And one of the ways to do this is to open a global circle that will allow others to facilitate the Journaling by the Moonlight process in way that’s tailored to a particular audience. Originally created for mothers, this unique process is ideal for creative and spiritually-minded individuals who yearn for a deeper connection to self, and who are ready to tap into their inner light – what I call the “full moon within” – and claim their authentic self,…

  • Are You Going through Business Menopause?

    Like so many of my friends and colleagues, I’m going through some major changes right now, both personally and professionally. A lot is shifting within me and around me. It feels as if the energy of the old ways of doing and being are moving out – making room for new possibilities and opportunities. I’ve been doing a lot of journal writing and working with many of my favorite oracle decks. I’ve also been taking a multitude of walks on the many nature trails that are available here on Cape Cod. It’s a highly-reflective and contemplative time in my life right now. And what I’m noticing, having turned 50 years old back in May, is the reality that my physical body is changing. I’m moving into a stage…

  • Are You a Changemaker or a Trailblazer?

    As someone who has spent years in the political arena working on campaigns and issues related to the betterment of humanity, I have a full understanding of the impact of the changemakers. Many of them are humanitarian by nature and feel quite purposeful when they’re creating big change for society. They have a “fix-it” approach to solving life’s problems with a heart-filled desire to equalize opportunities for others. They thrive on working within a collective energy in an effort to push the human race forward. They’re often the “first responders” in a time of crisis, ready to share their best tools and practices for changing the current circumstances. I’ve also spent a lot of time working in the corporate arena, alongside people whom I would…