Acceptance,  Authentic Connection,  Authentic Voice,  Change,  Courage,  Curiosity,  Darkness,  Inner Exploration,  Intuition,  Journal Writing,  Legacy,  New Moon,  Personal Growth,  Rebirth,  Self-Discovery,  Synchronicity,  Transformation

Are You Ready for the Intensity of This New Moon?

Magical MoonWe’re entering a very powerful new moon phase tomorrow in the astrological sign of Scorpio. This is the most intense sign of the zodiac – and when it coincides with a new moon, it brings us an opportunity to break free from old patterns and begin claiming the life that we REALLY want.

So be prepared for the intensity!

Some of your own mysteries may come dramatically to the forefront. And by being open to a deeper, more soulful connection with yourself, you’ll begin to experience a transformation.

From out of the hidden dark, you get a glimpse of the soul’s true face during this new moon.

If you’ve been stagnating and lost, here’s a chance to release what’s dead, dying or diseased. In Scorpio, we turn the eye inward and grow surly and intense. And there’s a knowing that the answer is not simple. This kind of change happens at the soul level, the kind that comes from facing those core fears.

Where in your life are you in dire need of a change? Does it involve a relationship with another, others – or yourself? Or is it with your finances or your career?

According to this new moon – the relief, answer, solution begins within an examination of self. This may entail changing the way we process information and interact with others, or it may be a change in our own internal dialogue. There is, after all, power within intent and with words, spoken or otherwise.

So where is it that you are ready and willing to experience intense change? ~ It’s time now – to step forward and face fear in the face.

What gifts are waiting for you on the other side of this intensity?

Divine Gifts - Visual Quote

This New Moon asks us to have courage, to just be with what’s revealed – and to pay special attention to all the synchronicities that are present in our lives.

As a Life Purpose Alchemist, I guide my clients to follow the flow of intuitive energy. It’s always leading us in the right direction. It’s like a dot-to-dot, a series of synchronicities that together form a bigger picture. It is my very strong belief that we’re always in the right place at the right time receiving the right message from the right person. Every moment is a synchronicity that is divinely-inspired.

Are you paying attention? And are you open to receiving the gift or the lesson that is wrapped up in each and every moment? And how does each that moment lead you to the next?

When we listen to the synchronistic messages of our divine calling, it will lead us to our destiny. And from there, we’ll begin creating our LEGACY.

We all have a life purpose legacy. What’s yours?

Grab your journal and let’s go face-to-face with the intensity of this Scorpio New Moon!

Take some time to write from this present place of darkness. Connect with the fear that keeps you from moving forward.

Give yourself the gift of honesty and allow the emotion to come through in your writing.

Tina M. Games is the author of Journaling by the Moonlight: A Mother’s Path to Self-Discovery (an interactive book with an accompanying deck of 54 journaling prompt cards). As a certified creativity and life purpose coach, and a gifted intuitive, she is the “Moonlight Muse” for women who want to tap into the “full moon within” and claim their authentic self, both personally and professionally. Through her signature coaching programs, based on the phases of the moon, Tina gently guides women from darkness to light as they create an authentic vision filled with purpose, passion and creative expression. She lives on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with her husband and their two children.


  • Veronica

    The Scorpio New Moon is a powerful one for sure. I appreciate the idea of journaling our process, as we let go of the old and claim the new! Writing is such a deep act involving the subconscious mind which brings forth little nuggets of wisdom. Beautiful article Tina!

  • Christine

    I so appreciate the reminder about the intensity of Scorpio. I didn’t realize we were entering it already. The late part of the year always seems so challenging so it’s good to know there are cosmic energies at work that can be faced and embraced. I’m not much for journaling but I may give it a go and see what manifests. Thanks, Tina!

  • Cher Gunderson

    Tina, I like how you invite us to go face to face with our challenges and how you inform us that this time in the moon phase is to make changes at the soul level. So now I’m re-focused on an area I keep being guided for…

    Thank you,

    Cher Gunderson

  • Kailean

    Thank you for helping me desire to move forward by releasing the fear and stepping into the mystery. The idea of facing some of the intense stuff is formidable at best, but if I can summon my courage and follow the signs, I can find release and transformation. That feels hopeful and possible. Thanks.

  • Teena

    Tina GREAT post! I look back at the intensity of my week last week – I was faced with a situation that required me to have a tremendous amount of courage and I would not have been able to pull it off if I had not paid attention to all the synchronicities that were present. Thank you for your wisdom and giving me the gems to make sense of and validate my experience 🙂


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