Do You Feel Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere?
A few years ago, there was an American television commercial that showed a sports utility vehicle driving through a remote mountain scene. And the voice-over said, “You can find yourself in the middle of nowhere – or in the middle of nowhere you can find yourself.” This phrase seems to capture the sentiment of so many people in my life right now – clients, colleagues, friends, even me. Some are dealing with major life transitions that feel painfully uncomfortable – while others are preparing for new beginnings and fresh starts that involve a sense of unknowingness about the future. If we take a closer look at the first part of the phrase, “You can find yourself in the middle of nowhere” – we may feel…
What’s Your Full Moon Solo?
We’ll be entering a full moon phase on Friday in the astrological sign of Sagittarius. While full moons signify completion, wholeness, and light – a Sagittarius influence encourages us to expand our minds, our vision, our faith, and our perception. So whatever it is you’ve been pondering or dabbling in, or even tapping back into, this is a time to step into the “bigness” of it – even if it means playing solo. As a Life Purpose Alchemist, I gently guide my clients to step into the bigness of who they are – as they set out on a purposeful journey to “make their own kind of music.” By intuitively following their own unique rhythm, they are always led in the right direction. It’s like a dot-to-dot, a…