• What Masks Are You Wearing?

    As we approach one of my favorite times of the year, Halloween – I’m reminded of all the costumes and masks people wear to celebrate this festive occasion. It triggered my thinking this week about the many masks we have all worn in our lives – and may still be wearing. How many of these masks serve as an authentic expression of who we are? And how many of these masks are a cover-up for drowning out our own inner voices? Have you ever stopped to think about the many labels that you wear in life – maybe you’re a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a teacher, a loyal employee, a neighbor – and the different masks that are required to show up in these roles?…

  • Are You Ready for this Full Moon’s “Leap of Faith?”

    Another full moon phase is upon us – and it brings with it energy of “forward movement.”  This is because it lands in the astrological sign of Aries – which activates our inner risk-taker. When the full moon is in Aries, she gives us what we need to spring forward with a giant leap, even if it feels risky. Her energy can literally push us to the edge of our comfort zone, beckoning us to “take a leap of faith.” And if we’re ready, and I mean REALLY ready, this leap could pay off in a meaningful and impactful way. As artist and author Margaret Shepherd once said, “Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”  We all arrive at periods in our life…

  • The Journey of Synchronicity

    Imagine being outside on a cool, crisp autumn evening, looking up above and seeing dozens of stars scattered throughout the night sky. They seem to be sparkling with a magical energy that you don’t quite understand, yet you somehow feel connected to it. You sense that the stars “know” what your dreams are and what your passions are – and they’re beckoning you to follow your heart. They appear to have the answers – the answers you’re searching for as you begin to ponder a new beginning for yourself, either personally or professionally – maybe both. As you begin to ponder the direction you want to take and what next steps are needed to get there, think back to the many messages that have been…

  • Finding Light in the Dark

    Next week, we’ll be moving into another new moon phase which always brings a time of new beginnings. Where one door closes, another one opens. During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, other than the surrounding stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new creative energy on the world. It brings to our awareness the potential that darkness has in shedding light on life’s lessons and the many gifts that would otherwise go unnoticed. The darkness of the moon brings an opportunity to reflect on our life’s journey by taking a closer look at who we are – underneath the layers of life. It’s a time to turn within…

  • How Will This Full Moon Spark Your Creativity?

    We’ll be entering a Full Moon phase tonight in the astrological sign of Pisces, which brings a very intuitive and creative energy laced with a strong sense of mysticism. This is a great time to pull projects off the shelf or ideas out of the dusty files of our mind that stir up who we are on an emotional and spiritual level. If you have something that you’ve been wanting to start, but haven’t for one reason or another – now is the time! With the energy of a Pisces Full Moon, you have direct access to your own creative, intuitive, and emotional gifts. And because this is a Harvest Moon, if there’s a project that’s been waiting for the “right time” – this is it! It’s time to harvest…