• What’s Your Full Moon Solo?

    We’ll be entering a full moon phase on Friday in the astrological sign of Sagittarius. While full moons signify completion, wholeness, and light – a Sagittarius influence encourages us to expand our minds, our vision, our faith, and our perception. So whatever it is you’ve been pondering or dabbling in, or even tapping back into, this is a time to step into the “bigness” of it – even if it means playing solo. As a Life Purpose Alchemist, I gently guide my clients to step into the bigness of who they are – as they set out on a purposeful journey to “make their own kind of music.”  By intuitively following their own unique rhythm, they are always led in the right direction. It’s like a dot-to-dot, a…

  • Dancing with Life’s “Ebb and Flow”

    April’s full moon in Libra shines a strong moonbeam on balance. It can illuminate what’s needed to stay composed and aligned with your moral values, in a time of societal breakdown. The Moon in Libra is opposite the Sun in Aries, inspiring you to be courageous and true to your own sense of destiny. Imagine being Ginger Rogers – and every synchronicity crossing your path becomes Fred Astaire. You engage in a meaningful dance of “what is” – exploring each dance step and how it can fit into the overall picture of life. During this Libra moon phase, think “grace in space.” If you meet an obstacle or encounter resistance, dance like you expected it to be there. Libra’s skill is knowing just how to…

  • Connecting with Your Inner Light

    Like the moon, we all go through phases in our lives. We have ups and downs, we go forward and backward – and sometimes we seem to circle back around. We may hide behind the clouds or peek from beneath the clouds. But in the midst of what can feel like a blackout, when we are open to making a connection with our authentic self, we can get to a point where we’re able to beam with full light. During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, with the exception of little sparkles of light in the form of stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new…