• Are You Being Heard?

    “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” ~ George Eliot Next week, we move into a powerful New Moon phase with the potential to create a new beginning that sparks your authentic voice – giving you the courage to finally speak up for what it is you truly desire. This phase also gives you an opportunity to clear old patterns that have kept you stuck in silence, holding on to the belief that what you have to say isn’t important and that no one really cares. Let’s imagine for a moment that your life hits a bumpy road – and you encounter turbulence. ~ How do you handle it? Do you go around the turbulence, pretending like it’s not there –…

  • How Have Your Money Beliefs Shaped Your Life?

    Whether we realize it or not, many of us are stuck in a “money pattern” – and it affects everything we think, see, and do around money. Our beliefs about money have been handed down to us through generations, in a variety of different ways, shaping how we view the subject of money. Think about the news you see on television or hear on the radio or read in the newspaper. How much of it is fear-based? How much of it stems from scarcity – the fear of never having enough or being good enough? Now think about the news you’ve been given through others – about money. What have you learned about money – through your family, your friends, your colleagues, and from society?…

  • My Manifesto as a Life Purpose Alchemist

    As a Life Purpose Alchemist, it’s my intention to help highly-creative and spiritually-minded individuals connect the dots of their life story in a way that makes sense and in a way that feels right. It’s through this intention that I’m able to help them “Connect with their Creative Purpose. Step into their Life Story. Create their Legacy.” I’m a lover of story. I genuinely love hearing artists, writers, filmmakers, creative visionaries, and creative entrepreneurs tell their life stories. Through their words, through their laughter, through their tears – I hear threads of meaning, threads of purpose. And I have a divine gift for weaving these threads together in a way that unveils a richer life meaning, bringing about deep clarity and synchronistic moments. It’s this meaning that brings the…

  • The Power of YOUR Life Story

    One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen is Freedom Writers. It continues to be one of my favorites. It shows the power of journal writing – and telling one’s story through a voice that is unique to the storyteller. And through the pages of sharing this story, a larger sense of purpose begins to unveil. For a taste of what the film is about, visit this link and watch the trailer: Freedom Writers So much could change in our lives and in our world, if we just stepped into the power of our life story – learning its lessons and bettering ourselves in the process – and finding our own diamond in the rough. We all have a jewel of wisdom that’s meant…