• Dancing with Life’s “Ebb and Flow”

    April’s full moon in Libra shines a strong moonbeam on balance. It can illuminate what’s needed to stay composed and aligned with your moral values, in a time of societal breakdown. The Moon in Libra is opposite the Sun in Aries, inspiring you to be courageous and true to your own sense of destiny. Imagine being Ginger Rogers – and every synchronicity crossing your path becomes Fred Astaire. You engage in a meaningful dance of “what is” – exploring each dance step and how it can fit into the overall picture of life. During this Libra moon phase, think “grace in space.” If you meet an obstacle or encounter resistance, dance like you expected it to be there. Libra’s skill is knowing just how to…

  • How Does Spring Influence New Beginnings?

    We all come to periods in our lives when we sit down and reflect on the path we have chosen – sometimes regretting certain choices and missed opportunities. And many of us have made drastic changes along the way, trying to make a fresh start in life. Yet no matter what we do, we always end up feeling the same way. The outer conditions may be different, but inside we’re still the same. So when and how does a genuine fresh start begin? Imagine taking a walk in nature and being surrounded by the colors and signs of spring. You notice the beautiful lavender petals of the crocus flowers, peeking through the ground. You see robins darting from tree to tree, singing sweet songs of…

  • How Journal Writing Can Help You Gain Clarity

    Are you feeling stuck? Or perhaps you’re contemplating a new creative project or a new creative direction? During times of deliberation or when you’re facing a creative block, journal writing can help. It can be a powerful way to connect with your authentic self and your core beliefs. It can also help you see the many options that will lead you to a bigger vision. Journal writing is a form of therapeutic writing. It’s the process of chronicling those many thoughts that are swirling around in your head – with no worries of being censored. From our poetry to our music to our storytelling, writing what we see, think and feel has always had therapeutic value. Our entire history as humans comes from thousands of…