It’s a Blue Moon July!
Did you know that July has two new moons?
New moons are rich with new beginnings that light up an otherwise dark night sky. There’s a magic quality about them – that inspires the light within us.
And when we get a double dose of new moon energy – which is often referred to as a “blue moon phase” – our own dreams and desires are magnified. There’s a deep yearning to “come out of the closet” – and to begin living life in full light.
It’s a great time to connect with your life purpose on a deeper level, looking at ways that it can be expressed in this new year – personally, professionally, and creatively.
It’s also a perfect time to embrace your larger legacy – and how it’s already showing up in your life.
Are you fully aware of the expansiveness of it?
To celebrate this very special “blue new moon phase” – I’m launching a brand-new virtual workshop that’s rich with journaling prompts, creative exercises, and guided visualizations designed to help you connect with your unique gifts and talents, the essence of your life story, and the larger theme that is already emerging in your life.
What’s Your Blue Moon Legacy?
We’ve all heard the saying, “once in a blue moon.”
- Well – what if YOU inspired that “once in a blue moon” experience through your creative work?
- What if YOU were that “once in a blue moon” voice?
- What if YOU had that “once in a blue moon” gift to share with the world?
- What if YOU were a blue moon being?
Join me for a rich and interactive virtual workshop about blue moon legacy stories and how they not only define your own legacy, but help shape a bigger message for others.
Are you clear about what your legacy is and how it’s showing up NOW? And are you aware of the expansiveness of it?
This 30-day virtual workshop experience begins whenever you’re ready – and will include deep writing prompts, creative exercises, and guided visualizations that will take you on a journey through your own blue moon legacy stories, helping you connect with your larger life legacy and how it wants to be expressed through your creative work.
To register for this unique and personalized experience at the special introductory rate of $297, please click here (or on the graphic below): Blue Moon Legacy Workshop
Here’s to honoring your Blue Moon Legacy – and bringing it into light!