• The Journey of Synchronicity

    Imagine being outside on a cool, crisp autumn evening, looking up above and seeing dozens of stars scattered throughout the night sky. They seem to be sparkling with a magical energy that you don’t quite understand, yet you somehow feel connected to it. You sense that the stars “know” what your dreams are and what your passions are – and they’re beckoning you to follow your heart. They appear to have the answers – the answers you’re searching for as you begin to ponder a new beginning for yourself, either personally or professionally – maybe both. As you begin to ponder the direction you want to take and what next steps are needed to get there, think back to the many messages that have been…

  • Creating in the Messiness of Life

    Life is always ebbing and flowing. We may find ourselves at various points – moving in and out, up and down, exploring and experimenting – and circling back around to where we started, but with a heightened sense of awareness and understanding. The same is true in the creation process. Creativity ebbs and flows – with surprises and new discoveries always being made, regardless of where we’ve started or the journey we’ve taken. There’s always something new that wants to be noticed – and it seems to come when we least expect it. On my daily five-mile walks, I’m always noticing how nature communicates with me. And this week, after the storms we’ve had here in the Northeast of the United States, I noticed the…