• The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

    As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States – and move into another full moon phase, I can’t help but think of the impact that gratitude has when we embrace it wholeheartedly. Can you imagine a world where everyone showed gratitude? If someone did something kind for you, you’d probably give them a warm smile and say thank you. And if you were having a bad day, someone else might take time out of his or her life to comfort you, making you feel better. It’s these acts of kindness that prompt people to show their gratitude by doing something similar for someone else. Like a skipping stone in a pond, acts of gratitude have the potential to create a ripple…

  • Are You Curious about Digital Journal Writing?

    When most of us think of journal writing, we picture ourselves sitting in a big, comfy chair by a window in a coffee shop. We have a hardbound, maybe spiral journal in our hands and our favorite pen – and we’re scribbling away. This creates the space we need to let our thoughts pour out of our mind and onto the page. But what about those who aren’t so keen on the traditional journaling method of writing by hand? These are individuals who would rather type out their thoughts on computers – perhaps even moving notes around so they can keep them grouped in a particular way. These days, digital journaling is picking up momentum. It’s a form of collecting and documenting one’s thoughts on…

  • Manifesting Money – and Miracles

    Whether we realize it or not, many of us are stuck in a “money pattern” – and it affects everything we think, see, and do around money. Our beliefs about money have been handed down to us through generations, in a variety of different ways, shaping how we view the subject of money. Think about the news you see on television or hear on the radio or read in the newspaper. How much of it is fear-based? How much of it stems from scarcity – the fear of never having enough or being good enough? Our relationship with money is not just a series of practical actions. If that’s all it required, everyone would have an easy time with it. The truth is – there’s…