• What Can You Create Using What You Already Have?

    It’s a wonderful time of year for fresh starts and new beginnings – and opportunities to see things a bit differently than you may have before. Have you ever looked into your food pantry and dreamed up a dish using the ingredients you already have – without a need to go out to the grocery story? Imagine for a moment – using this analogy in your current life, business, or creative process. What can you “cook up” using the ingredients you already have? We’ll be moving into a new moon phase this weekend in the practical and resourceful sign of Capricorn. It’s a great time to review what you already have in place, both personally and professionally – and begin to look for creative ways to…

  • Using Vulnerability as a Measure of Courage

    Being a spiritual artist involves taking creative risks. We’re often putting ourselves out there for the world to see – through our words, our art, and our creative endeavors. Some will love our work while others may not. But that’s okay. We’re not here to please everyone. We’re here to serve our creative purpose in the best way we can – through the divine gifts we’ve been given. And in serving our purpose, we’re often relying on the strength of our vulnerability. As popular author, storyteller, and researcher Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.” It takes a LOT of courage to be vulnerable. When we’re vulnerable, we’re shedding our exterior layers – exposing the rawness of who we are. We’re being real.…

  • Journal Writing for the Tech-Savvy Creative Woman

    When most of us think of journal writing, we picture ourselves sitting in a big, comfy chair by a window in a coffee shop. We have a hardbound, maybe spiral journal in our hands and our favorite pen – and we’re scribbling away. This creates the space we need to let our thoughts pour out of our mind and onto the page. But what about those who aren’t so keen on the traditional journaling method of writing by hand? These are individuals who would rather type out their thoughts on computers – perhaps even moving notes around so they can keep them grouped in a particular way. These days, digital journaling is picking up momentum. It’s a form of collecting and documenting one’s thoughts on…

  • Are You Showing Up for the Wonders in Your Life?

    I’ve just returned from a magical week in Iceland – where I experienced one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The Northern Lights have been on my “bucket list” for a few years – and it took my 12-year-old daughter’s growing interest in them for us to finally take action by scheduling a winter vacation on this glorious Nordic island located within the Arctic Circle. And after witnessing them up close and personal, I can say this – the aurora borealis is truly spectacular! Not knowing what to expect, I was both pleasantly surprised and truly captivated by this extraordinary sight. Mother Nature sure knows how to put on a good show! And with just the right conditions (a cold, clear, and frosty winter night…

  • How Does the Full Moon Inspire Your Creativity?

    For many centuries, the moon has inspired thousands of beautiful stories, songs, dances, paintings, and poems. Through its many phases, it has served as a muse in a variety of ways. What is it about the moon that stirs our innermost thoughts and inspires our deepest creativity? This poem written by Mark Heard, first appeared in his lyric collection, Eye of the Storm in 1982:  Moon Flower When the moon blooms Like a flower in the night Petals of Heaven-born silver light Its seeds ride the wind To the souls of men So silently There is a fanfare In the changing wind For those who will listen Beginning to end And the nightingale pleads For the well-tuned ears Of every man Oh the sun shines…