• Navigating Life’s Journey through Power Questions

    As a certified creativity and life purpose coach for highly-creative and spiritually-minded women, I’m always exploring various scenarios with questions. I have an innate curiosity to know “who, what, where, when, why – and how.” This curiosity was instrumental in my early days as a television, radio, and print journalist. It also plays a key role in my current work as I gently guide women on a path of self-discovery as they connect with their inner voice and learn to navigate life’s many twists and turns. Asking “power questions” is part of the service I provide for my clients. It’s also something that I teach them to do for themselves. So when I found out about my colleague Sandy Nelson‘s new book, Ask Power Questions:…

  • Play, Explore, Discover

    As a certified creativity coach and life purpose alchemist, I work with divinely-inspired artists and writers on their creative process, helping them sort through their many ideas so they can choose a project that’s fully aligned with their life’s work and their bigger authentic vision. A lot goes into the creative process, from idea to planning to implementation to completion. And while it can be an exciting journey, it can sometimes feel like a lot of hard work. This is where a creative mantra comes in handy. When we can set an intention that makes the process fun and inspiring, it becomes a joyful experience of exploration and discovery – from beginning to end. Today, I’ve asked my colleague and former client Brecia Kralovic-Logan, author of The Spiral of…