• How Does Autumn Inspire Rich Colors of Change for You?

    In just a few days, a new season begins – and with it, comes an extraordinary amount of change. I love the rich, vibrant colors of autumn. It’s my favorite season of the year – and oh, so inspiring! How does this colorful season inspire the “rich color” within you? How does it spark your creative process? Imagine taking an autumn walk and being surrounded by the richness of change. You see the leaves changing colors, perhaps dropping to the ground. You notice that squirrels are running around, looking for nuts to store for the winter. You notice the flower beds are getting a little more bare. You can sense that everything is changing – in preparation for a new cycle. In nature, there is…

  • How Does Autumn Inspire Rich Colors of Change?

    I love the rich, vibrant colors of autumn. It’s my favorite season of the year – and oh, so inspiring! How does this season inspire the “rich color” within you? How does it spark your creative process? Imagine taking an autumn walk and being surrounded by the richness of change. You see the leaves changing colors, perhaps dropping to the ground. You notice that squirrels are running around, looking for nuts to store for the winter. You notice the flower beds are getting a little more bare. You can sense that everything is changing – in preparation for a new cycle. In nature, there is nothing that is not continually renewing itself – and that constant renewal is out of the ground of what no longer…

  • Play, Explore, Discover

    As a certified creativity coach and life purpose alchemist, I work with divinely-inspired artists and writers on their creative process, helping them sort through their many ideas so they can choose a project that’s fully aligned with their life’s work and their bigger authentic vision. A lot goes into the creative process, from idea to planning to implementation to completion. And while it can be an exciting journey, it can sometimes feel like a lot of hard work. This is where a creative mantra comes in handy. When we can set an intention that makes the process fun and inspiring, it becomes a joyful experience of exploration and discovery – from beginning to end. Today, I’ve asked my colleague and former client Brecia Kralovic-Logan, author of The Spiral of…