• How Meaningful Are Your Relationships?

    What in my life needs balancing, both internally and externally? What relationships do I have that need more attention, perhaps even healing? Are there relationships that have run their course? Am I ready to let go in order to move on? Where could I use more support, both personally and professionally? We’re moving into another full moon phase, this one in the astrological sign of Libra.   The Libra Full Moon brings light to the connections in our lives and sparks a strong desire for balance, communication, and beauty – with a big emphasis on the quality of our relationships, both inner and outer. As humans, we are tribal people. There is power in numbers, particularly when the numbers involve a group of like-minded souls who are supportive and…

  • Turning Brokenness into Beauty

    Many of us are familiar with the saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Think about the dandelion. While one might see a weed, another might see a beautiful and vibrant yellow flower – or perhaps something that they can add to a salad that’s high in nutrients. It’s all a matter of perspective. And in several cultures across the globe, beauty is celebrated in unique ways, depending on how it’s viewed. In Japan, for example, broken objects are often repaired with gold. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object’s history – which adds to its beauty. Thinking about yourself and your own life, what do you consider “broken?” And how might another see this “flaw” as beauty? These…