Managing the Ebb and Flow of Life
American writer and mystic, Thomas Merton once said, “We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest peak of intensity. Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.”
This speaks to the ebb and flow of life.
Humans aren’t machines. We don’t have a constant source of power from which we draw upon – to perform complicated functions all the time without breaks.
Rather, our power supplies (our energy and emotional levels) dip and rise with each hour of the day – and even wax and wane on a much larger level. We either find ourselves in periods of great motivation and energy – or in periods where we just want to do what we need to do in order to survive – and nothing more.
As creative visionaries and spiritual artists, we’re accustomed to changing direction at any given moment. Many times we’re okay with it – and we just “go with the flow.”
But there are other times when we feel the resistance kicking in, muttering under our breath, “Not again – not this time.”
When we refuse to listen to our cycles of high and low emotional energy, we make things worse, not better. If our energy and emotional levels are off balance, we may find ourselves falling off track as our inner voice cries out for pause.
When this happens, we need to listen – and go with the flow. If we feel a need to stop, we should stop. It may be the universe’s way of telling us we need a breather.
It’s important to manage the ebb and flow of energy, emotion, and motivation – both on a daily basis and a long-term basis. When we manage these cycles, rather than ignore them, we are far more productive. But more importantly, we’re happier, too.
In astrology, the moon rules our emotional being. And in science, it has often been said that the moon plays a key role in the ebb and flow of the ocean and in the cycles of nature.
So how do our emotions affect the ebb and flow in our lives? And how can we manage the two so that they work together in a positive way?
As we go through the ebb and flow of life, it’s important for us to reach a point of acceptance for “what is” – while holding on to our bigger vision. This is where the art of surrender plays a big role.
Once we connect with ourselves emotionally – and understand how we may react to any given situation, we can respond accordingly and with great accuracy.
Imagine yourself taking an evening swim in the ocean. The light of the moon is reflecting on each wave as you float along with “what is.”
Relax and take in several deep breaths, pondering the ebb and flow of your life as it is right now.
When something around you is out of your control, how do you naturally respond?
And when something is within your control, how do you naturally respond?
Ponder these questions in your journal – and allow yourself to notice your own emotional patterns.
If you’d like to explore this deeper with the support of a wisdom guide, I invite you to join me for a New Moon Discovery session – where we can examine your current emotional patterns and make a few key adjustments that will make all the difference in your emotional balance.
For more information about this rich and thought-provoking experience, please click on the blue link above.

Chelsea Hanson
Thanks Tina for your wisdom, as always. I know I have the tendency to want to “push through” things rather than follow the ebb and flow. A great area to reflect upon…
Donna McDine
I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Check it out at Write What Inspires You Blog
Tina Games
Thank you, Donna! ~ I’m truly honored! 🙂
I always enjoy your writing and it always seem to be in complete synchronicity with me! The surrender piece is huge! It is so important to listen and breathe and to honor what our spirit is saying: “take a break” etc. When I don’t listen I feel that is when I feel a chaotic vibration and feel out of alignment. This is a lesson I’ve learned over the last few months. I so appreciate your words & wisdom
The timing of your post is certainly appropriate for me. I have been in an ebb, but really tried this time to just be with it, rather than force myself to keep up the typical pace. I have found in the past that when I try to push through, my work isn’t as good, I’m not able to think clearly or problem-solve, and I feel miserable. This week, I managed to go with the flow. I smoothly accomplished what was in front of me to do, I didn’t push myself to do more, yet I also managed to finish a couple of big tasks that I didn’t really plan to finish–I just responded to what I was moved to do. I will certainly do my best to honor the ebbs and the flows as life goes on. If it works for the oceans…..
Jill Greinke
Your write such inspiring blogs. Thank you for sharing!
Gorgeous image Tina – I marinating in the word “Acceptance”.
“It’s important to manage the ebb and flow of energy, emotion, and motivation….” As in nature, for everything there is a season and, if we are wise, we follow the wisdom of nature and, as you say, go with the flow.
Barbara Williams
With all that goes on in our day to day lives, it’s imperative that we stay connected with ourselves and our emotions so they don’t get the better of us. Thanks for the reminder Tina to help us do just that.