How Meaningful Are Your Relationships?

- What in my life needs balancing, both internally and externally?
- What relationships do I have that need more attention, perhaps even healing?
- Are there relationships that have run their course? Am I ready to let go in order to move on?
- Where could I use more support, both personally and professionally?
We’re moving into another full moon phase, this one in the astrological sign of Libra. The Libra Full Moon brings light to the connections in our lives and sparks a strong desire for balance, communication, and beauty – with a big emphasis on the quality of our relationships, both inner and outer.
As humans, we are tribal people. There is power in numbers, particularly when the numbers involve a group of like-minded souls who are supportive and appreciative of one another.
We have a natural need to connect. So when we’re feeling unsettled, our energy and our thoughts begin to drift in the direction of those who are truly supporting us. We think about how we feel when we are with these people. They support us in our everyday dreams and they breathe life into our bigger vision – for ourselves and for the world at large. We feel more inspired when we’re in the company of kindred spirits.

The Full Moon in Libra brings us the strength to sow seeds of relationships and new alliances, providing opportunities for rebalancing partnerships to create harmony and justice in our lives.
As American writer and activist, Starhawk once noted:
“Somewhere there are people to whom we can speak with passion without having the words catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power.”
Do you have this kind of support in your life?
If you’d like to explore and expand your circle of support, bringing more meaning into your current relationships and creating new ones, please join the spring version of my popular Moonlight Journaling Retreat on April 1st for an intimate 30-day journal writing experience with a beautiful group of creative souls.
Through an exploration of the eight natural moon phases, plus the metaphorical energy of a blue moon phase – combined with 18 different journal writing techniques, we’ll embark on the new path of possibility that’s waiting to emerge within you and around you.
Here’s to creating meaningful relationships that spark the incredible power that’s within you!

A powerful moon the libra one by the sounds. Love Starhawks word of passion. We are tribal and need to find our clan. It can be your partner or your pet. I love the journaling that’s happening in April. A supporting era. Thank you Tina
It’s always good to balance our relationships. So happy that you know when is the best time based on the moon!