• How Meaningful Are Your Relationships?

    What in my life needs balancing, both internally and externally? What relationships do I have that need more attention, perhaps even healing? Are there relationships that have run their course? Am I ready to let go in order to move on? Where could I use more support, both personally and professionally? We’re moving into another full moon phase, this one in the astrological sign of Libra.   The Libra Full Moon brings light to the connections in our lives and sparks a strong desire for balance, communication, and beauty – with a big emphasis on the quality of our relationships, both inner and outer. As humans, we are tribal people. There is power in numbers, particularly when the numbers involve a group of like-minded souls who are supportive and…

  • Five Tips for Parenting with Presence

    For many of us, parenting is part of our life purpose. There’s a lot that we learn about ourselves and about the world around us through our role as parents. It also allows us to serve as both teacher and student – as we learn to navigate some of the most meaningful relationships in our lives. Today, I’ve invited author Susan Stiffelman to join me on the topic of parenting with presence. Her book, published by New World Library, was released last week as the first in the Eckhart Tolle Editions series. When speaking on the subject of life purpose, Stiffelman notes, “When it comes to parenting, it seems that although we may not have knowingly signed up for the ‘course’ our children offer, we…

  • What’s the Impact of Your Life Purpose Ripple?

    Last week was the third anniversary of my mother’s sudden passing. So many memories came rushing back to me when I saw the date on my calendar. I was reminded of the many things she brought to my life and to the lives of my kids. But sadly and slowly, I’m realizing how much our family traditions have changed – in just a short amount of time. And it brings to my awareness how much one person can influence an entire chain of events simply by being themselves and touching those they love in special ways that are truly unforgettable. Every person has a unique presence that sometimes can be taken for granted – and only when they’re not around, do we realize the legacy they…

  • How Meaningful Are Your Relationships?

    We moved into another new moon phase today, this one in the astrological sign of Libra. New Moons always bring new beginnings that stem from the desires we have bubbling just under the surface. It marks an ideal time to acknowledge what it is within us that now wants to rise above the surface and take flight. The Libra New Moon brings light to the connections in our lives, sparking a strong desire for balance, communication, and beauty – with a big emphasis on relationships. It’s a perfect time to ask yourself: What in my life needs balancing, both internally and externally? What relationships do I have in my life that need more attention, perhaps even healing? Are there relationships in my life that have run their course? Am I ready to…

  • Life Organizing: Managing Your Time for Self and Others

    In my work as a Life Purpose Alchemist, I work with highly-creative and spiritually-minded women who desire a life filled with authenticity, passion, meaningful connection, and creative self-expression. When all of these dots are connected, women are capable of creating massive ripples of positive influence in the world that can show up in the most interesting of ways. But what happens when a woman over-extends herself in the giving to others? Is the ripple as effective as it would be if she was prioritizing her own needs in the way she prioritizes the needs of others? Is it possible to over-provide? I’ve asked author and self-care expert, Jennifer Loudon to join me on my blog today to share her thoughts about over-providing. Jennifer Louden is a personal growth…