How Meaningful Are Your Relationships?
We moved into another new moon phase today, this one in the astrological sign of Libra.
New Moons always bring new beginnings that stem from the desires we have bubbling just under the surface. It marks an ideal time to acknowledge what it is within us that now wants to rise above the surface and take flight.
The Libra New Moon brings light to the connections in our lives, sparking a strong desire for balance, communication, and beauty – with a big emphasis on relationships.
It’s a perfect time to ask yourself:
- What in my life needs balancing, both internally and externally?
- What relationships do I have in my life that need more attention, perhaps even healing?
- Are there relationships in my life that have run their course? Am I ready to let go in order to move on?
- Where could I use more support, both personally and professionally?
As humans, we are tribal people. There is power in numbers, particularly when the numbers involve a group of like-minded souls who are supportive and appreciative of one another.
We have a natural need to connect. And when we’re feeling disconnected, our minds drift in the direction of those who are truly supporting us. We think about how we feel when we are with these people. They support us in our everyday dreams and they breathe life into our bigger vision – for ourselves and for the world at large.
During a New Moon phase, we are gifted with an opportunity to begin again. Whatever that dream is – that we are carrying around inside of us – it’s a perfect time to plant the seed and watch it grow. And in order for the seed to grow fully, it needs support. It needs your desire to see it grow to fruition – and it needs the support of those around you who fully believe that you have what it takes to make your dream come alive
The New Moon in Libra brings us the strength to sow seeds of relationships and new alliances. It provides opportunities for rebalancing partnerships to create harmony and justice.
As you ponder new beginnings during this new moon phase, gravitate toward those who fully embrace you for the authentic being that you are – an individual with magnificent gifts to share with the world.
As American writer and activist, Starhawk once noted, “Somewhere there are people to whom we can speak with passion without having the words catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power.”
Do you have this kind of support in your life?
If you’d like to explore and expand your circle of support, bringing more meaning into your current relationships and creating new ones, please join my Moonlight Journaling Circle on October 20, 2014 for an intimate 30-day journal writing experience with a beautiful group of women. Through an exploration of the eight natural moon phases, combined with 18 different journal writing techniques, we’ll embark on the new beginning that’s waiting to emerge within you and around you. For more information about this powerful and rich experience, please visit: Moonlight Journaling

You have so much wisdom! I love your posts and it makes a lot of sense. This past week has been really challenging for me as I had to let go off another friendship that has become toxic. I think the only way is to embrace new beginnings!
Beautiful post. Love the Starhawk quote! I know I feel driven to find the people who support, encourage, and truly embrace the real me. I also am intrigued with the idea that the moon comes around once a month in a different area of our life to shine its light, help us see what we want and what we need to release, and present an opportunity to begin again. Awesome!
Such beautiful writing and insight Tina! Yes – the new moon is important to begin. I generally do not keep track of phases of the moon unless my attention is drawn there – thank you for that! I found myself contemplating your questions and planning to make good use of this special new moon phase in Libra.
Cher Gunderson
I see that relationships are the topic of this new moon phase. Thank you for prompting me to reflect on the relationships in my life. I have recently been focusing on this and meditating on it. I see that my focus has brought rewards in this area. I love the quote you chose to reflect the support for us to shine our brilliant lights from within. What a lovely quote for me to share with my clients 🙂
To our deeper and even new relationships,
Cher Gunderson
How lovely for us all that there are so many New Moons throughout the year, so many opportunities for new beginnings. I always enjoy how your posts illuminate what the moon phases have to teach us.
Marit Grendstad
New moon! Lifting me up Tina! Could really feel the freshness and joy to always live each day like it was a new moon´s day!
Beautiful post Tina – I have been doing a lot of reflection on my relationships and letting some go as some have run their natural course. I am seeing this as a gift and making space for perhaps a deeper connection to myself and new relationships to come! Thank you 🙂