How Will This Full Moon Spark Your Creativity?
We’ll be entering a Full Moon phase tonight in the astrological sign of Pisces, which brings a very intuitive and creative energy laced with a strong sense of mysticism. This is a great time to pull projects off the shelf or ideas out of the dusty files of our mind that stir up who we are on an emotional and spiritual level.
If you have something that you’ve been wanting to start, but haven’t for one reason or another – now is the time! With the energy of a Pisces Full Moon, you have direct access to your own creative, intuitive, and emotional gifts.
And because this is a Harvest Moon, if there’s a project that’s been waiting for the “right time” – this is it! It’s time to harvest that great idea!
During this intuitive and creative full moon phase, take some time to go through your idea file or idea journal – and pick a creative project that you’ve been pondering for a while. Then consider these questions:
- What do I need in order to get started with this project?
- How am I expressing my LIGHT through this project?
- What type of support do I need through this creative process?
- What do I need in order to get this project completed?
Make a commitment to yourself and this project by mapping out your thoughts in a project journal.
As an avid journal writer, I know the power of putting thoughts and desires into words so they can co-mingle with the energies of the universe.
Journal writing is a great passion of mine. I started writing in a diary as a young girl, recording my thoughts of the day – and it eventually became a safe place for me to sort through my feelings and to make sense of the world around me.
And over the years, I’ve used my journal to move through periods of stuckness – and as a place to contemplate my big ideas and to map out necessary next steps to move from idea to completion.
From our poetry to our music to our storytelling, writing what we see, think and feel has always had therapeutic value. Our entire history as humans comes from thousands of years of artists, writers and cave dwellers taking the time to record their perceptions of life at the time.
Through your journal, you can process your thoughts and hear the advice and encouragement of your wisest, most loving self. Writing slows down your thoughts and allows you to think more clearly and to process with more clarity. It can also help you focus your mind with laser-like accuracy, enabling you to clearly hear the voice of your soul.
A popular journal for creative people is a project journal. Once you’ve made the decision to embark on a creative project or a creative path, you can chronicle your journey by documenting all the many thoughts and feelings that pop up along the way. It’s a great way to help you sort out any frustrations and keep you on track.
If your project needs fleshing out, a good journaling technique is clustering – which is very similar to mind-mapping. It’s ideal for working through an issue, a challenge, a decision or a thought process. It’s a great way to gather information quickly, making it an ideal journaling technique when you’re feeling scattered or overwhelmed. It’s also a perfect technique if you’re one who benefits from “seeing” your thought process.
To begin the clustering technique, write a key word or phrase that describes your creative project (or a question you may have about it) in the middle of a page and draw a circle around it. Then begin to free associate, separating the various parts of your word, phrase or question – spinning other thoughts off of other thoughts in smaller circles (feeding off the bigger circle).
As you create your bigger cluster, let it flow organically and honestly. Then take a 30 minute break – and come back, taking a look at the cluster as a whole. What jumps out at you? What common threads do you notice? Does anything surprise you? What clarity do you reach?
If you’re stalling on an idea or feeling stuck in your creative process, pull out your journal and dump out the mental clutter in a journaling cluster. This simple process will help you pave the way toward a clearer vision.
As a Life Purpose Alchemist and certified Creativity Coach, I love guiding my clients through the creative process, helping them connect with their own intuitive energy. It’s always leading us in the right direction. It tells us when we need to slow down and when we need to speed up. It tells us what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to. It guides us on an authentic path that’s purpose-driven. It’s only when we question this flow of energy that we find ourselves stuck.
When we follow the creative path, it will lead us to our destiny. And from there, we’ll begin creating our LEGACY.
We all have a life purpose legacy. What’s yours?
Grab your journal and let’s dance under the mystical light of the Pisces Full Moon. It’s a magnificent time to harvest a creative project whose time has come!

Cher Gunderson
Tina, I gained insight from your probe questions for a project I’ve begun and b/c of your post, decided on the support I need, what I need to continue the project, and what I need to complete it 🙂 Thanks once again for your guidance. Great tips on using the project journal and clustering technique also.
Cher Gunderson
Bonnie Nussbaum
I love the project journal idea, Tina! It’s exactly what I need to do at this point because I have so many ideas swirling around, none of them are getting the time and attention they deserve. Love this post!
Beautiful post! I have always been interested in astrology as well and it does make a lot of sense what you shared. I think many times we don’t even know why we feel certain way.
Barbara Williams
How timely Tina! I’ve got lots of creative juices flowing about now, and I’m gonna tune in and make some connections to get stuff done. Great questions, ideas, and suggestions!
Dorothy Fitzer
Thanks Tina!
Yep – it’s definitely time to pull that dusty project down. I’ve been really dragging my feet. I’ll really try to tune in and surf that Pisces energy:)
love the concept of a project journal. I never put a name to it but I always begin new journals to keep notes and write thoughts when starting most new projects! Also, clustering is a brilliant and effective method to “get it all out” and see what develops. Love the thoughtful tips!
I love the “clustering” process. It is so effective to pull out the pieces and see the bigger picture. I just am fascinated by the way the Universe ignites us, pokes and prods us, always challenging us to look a little deeper, express ourselves a little more. We are so supported on this life journey to get just what we need. Totally AWESOME!
Tina today is a perfect day to implement my project journal! It is chilly and rainy here in Colorado and the windows are finally closed, furnace on and hot tea by my side. I love having the space, time and environment to go within and invoke my creativity Thank you for your inspiration!
Tina, I love your posts about the moon cycle. This is wonderful info for me as I begin another chapter in my journey having just come back south after being gone all summer. I’m intrigued by your project journal and look forward to giving it a go.