How Resourceful Are You?
We’re entering a full moon phase tonight in the practical and resourceful sign of Capricorn. It’s a great time to review what you already have in place, both personally and professionally – and begin to look for creative ways to rework, reframe, or reshape what might be feeling old and stagnant.
Many times, all we need is a refresh – and not an overhaul.
As author and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins says – “Success is not about your resources. It’s about how resourceful you are with what you have.”
How creative are you with the resources you already have?
Rather than continually looking for “something else” – how can you make the best of what you already possess? Pay close attention to what’s under your nose – and allow yourself to explore a new recipe using the same ingredients.
To assist you with this exploration, I’m sharing a recent podcast interview I had with Doug Foresta, host of the Coachzing Show on the topic of content creation and repurposing. You can access this dialogue here: The Journey of Content Creation
Do you have a creative idea that needs fleshing out? Is there a creative project that you’re wanting to begin, but you’re not sure where or how to start?
Would you like to explore a different way of using your current resources that will help bring your vision into reality? Could you use some support in mapping out an implementation plan that will include your action steps from beginning to end?
Join me for a creative consultation where we’ll review your idea or project in detail – and tap into your own natural creative style, allowing you to move closer toward manifestation in the most authentic way possible. You can find out more about this rich offering by visiting this page: Creative Consultation
Here’s to seeing the same thing, but in a different light!

I just love the energy of a full moon and manifesting. Never really thought about looking at it from a repurpose point of view. Thanks for the tip and the great quote by Tony Robbins.
Jill Greinke
Great article Tina! Love the idea of using the full moon energy to explore new options using what you already have. Moving forward and improving.
Patricia Young
Love this Tina! Loved the guided imagery you did on the interview! great interview, it sounded SO similar to my own process, loved it! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! 🙂