How Can a Breakdown Lead to a Breakthrough?
We’ll be moving into a full moon phase this week in the astrological sign of Taurus. This will combine the intense energy of a Scorpio Sun with the grounding energy of a Taurus Moon.
For many of us, the past month has felt like being in the midst of a breakdown – almost tornado-like with no sense of when (or where) we might be landing.
Because Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs, there is a strong energy that stares us in the face, asking us to get a grip. It’s time to make the most of what we have. It’s time to bloom where we’re planted. It’s time to be resourceful. It’s time to make a decision.
In other words, how can you best deal with the hand you’ve been dealt? How can you take a challenging situation and make it work for you? How will you move ahead with something that’s been sitting in your lap?
The full moon phase is all about completion. Something that has been highly important to you will finally reach a conclusion.
What is that something? And what is your decision?
These are all great questions to ponder in your journal.
Sometimes, when we’re “stuck” – the Universe makes the movement for us. It picks us up, rattles us around – and puts us somewhere. And it’s there, in that place – where we must find a way to “bloom where planted.”
It will be there, that we begin the “rooting out” process. And part of this involves rooting out those places where we know we’re living out of balance. It’s time to kick the dependencies that suck resources, and become more self-sufficient with our energy.
The Scorpio-Taurus storm will give us what we need to conserve our energy – for a time when it’ll go farthest and have the biggest impact. It’s a great time for decisive cleansing of bad influences, or those that play on our fears or weaknesses.
By cleansing, we are then able to build up our own emotional reservoir for use on more significant things (and more significant people). The Taurus full moon brings us clarity on what (and who) to commit to and how to firm it up.
It’s also a time to take stock of our finances, looking at different ways of generating income and assessing what has value. It’s a time to commit to our art or craft, giving ourselves permission to jump into it on a much deeper level. It’s also a time that allows us to move at a slower pace, if we need to.
Remember, “There’s always a breakdown before the breakthrough.”
So know that whatever it is, the breakdown is a necessary thing. It’s what provides the space for cleansing – and it’s what provides the energy and the insight for the breakthrough.
The tension between Taurus and Scorpio is that of life and death, for Taurus celebrates the return of life while Scorpio releases what has died.
We need to let go of the pain, the insistence on being right, the resentment, the hurt of betrayal. These are the emotions that feed the shadow. In the end, it is our choices about how we use our unique energies and talents that will make the difference in our lives. And we can’t make conscious future choices if we’re unconsciously carrying the past.
This Full Moon in Taurus is so potent that we may feel like we’re going through a black hole, only to come out somewhere else.
This will be one of the truly sweet full moons of the year, because it has the power to bring you happiness, luck, and surprises. But only if you face what it is that you keep denying, repressing or running away from.

Bonnie Nussbaum
I love the idea of reframing breakdowns as necessary. Then, when they happen, we can be more pragmatic about riding them out, knowing they’re leading us where we are meant to go.
Jill Greinke
Great article Tina!! Love your quote “There’s always a breakdown before the breakthrough.” – We all need to accept breakdowns as a stepping stone to overcome these bumps in our lives/
Tina I often feel enveloped in a loving cuddle when I read your work. I have my moon in Taurua and a Scorpio ascendent so I am feeling twangs of both – letting go and planting the new. Journaling helps for sure! Thanks for the insight Tina!
What I am feeling the most after reading this post is a profound sense of the Universal Wisdom that is supporting me to take care of whatever business is hindering my true path. How awesome is that!
Great article Tina! This last month has been super intense!! but like you say, it’s a breakdown before a breakthrogh…I feel I’ve been confronting some deep things and at the same time, that has served as a cleansing process that is bringing more light, it’s been like a renewal. Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
Tina – I was able to see the moon on my early morning dog walks this past week – just beautiful – makes all the breakdowns tolerable especially when the breakthrough is not far away! I love your image of blooming where you are planted…and the “rooting out” process. Now I can dig my feet into that!