Full Moon Rising – The Gift in Your Life Story

Tonight’s full moon, referred to as a “pink moon” – symbolizes a blossoming of potential. Because it’s the first full moon in this new season, it brings light to the unique gifts in our life stories.
One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen is Freedom Writers. It continues to be one of my favorites. It shows the power of journal writing – and telling one’s story through a voice that is unique to the storyteller. And through the pages of sharing this story, a larger sense of purpose begins to unveil.
For a taste of what the film is about, visit this link and watch the movie trailer: Freedom Writers
So much could change in our lives, and in our world, if we just stepped into the power of our life story – learning its lessons, receiving its gifts, and bettering ourselves in the process – then finding our own diamond in the rough, giving it a good polish, and sharing it with others. We all have a jewel of wisdom that’s meant to be shared with others – in a way that only we can share.

What’s the universal gift in your life story? What’s the bigger message that wants to be shared with others? And how could this be expressed in a creative body of work?
If you’re feeling called to better understand the gift of your life story and how it all links to a larger life purpose – and the legacy you’re intended to create, I invite you to join me for an intimate experience of self-exploration.
For more details, please visit: Creative Alchemy Studio
In the light of this beautiful full moon, here’s to connecting with the universal gift in your life story – and honoring the creative legacy that is uniquely yours.

Ah beautiful post Tina, love how the pink moon is about blossoming. Great idea to be journaling, thanks for posting!
Nicole Wettemann
Thanks for sharing. Several years ago my coach asked me to start journaling. It was actually the process I used to discover how my past experiences, traumas, and joys could be used to help others. Writing is so healing.