Full Moon Dreaming

For many centuries, the moon has inspired thousands of beautiful stories, songs, dances, paintings, and poems. Through its many phases, she has served as a muse in a variety of ways.
What is it about the moon that stirs our innermost thoughts and inspires our deepest creativity?
What is it about her that unleashes the magic of our dreams?
The full moon phase brings a time of high energy and great sensitivity. It’s also a period of extraordinary creativity. Dreams (both day and night) are at their height during this phase with the potential to activate possibilities that you never thought were possible.

As you take in the radiant light of tonight’s full moon, notice what comes to mind. How does this connect with your creative voice?
And what within you needs to be activated in order to bring this voice to life?
If you’d like to explore the possibilities through the wisdom of our lunar goddess, finding yourself curious about the moon phases and how they can help you manifest your best intentions, then join me for my upcoming Moonlight Journaling Retreat.
You’ll receive 30 days of journal writing support with an array of journaling prompts inspired by the phases of the moon. You’ll also be introduced to 18 different journaling techniques designed to accommodate all types of learning and processing styles.
We begin on March 4th – just in time for the next new moon cycle – where you’ll be invited to explore new beginnings that are just over the horizon. We’ll also play with the seasonal energy of spring as we spark all kinds of new blooming!
Here’s to full moon dreaming – manifesting magical new beginnings that are inspired by the wisdom of the moon phases!

One Comment
Tracy Thaden
Tina, thank you for keeping the moon and her energies in the fore-front! I am very curious about learning more.