Creating in the Messiness of Life
Life is always ebbing and flowing. We may find ourselves at various points – moving in and out, up and down, exploring and experimenting – and circling back around to where we started, but with a heightened sense of awareness and understanding.
The same is true in the creation process.
Creativity ebbs and flows – with surprises and new discoveries always being made, regardless of where we’ve started or the journey we’ve taken. There’s always something new that wants to be noticed – and it seems to come when we least expect it.
On my daily five-mile walks, I’m always noticing how nature communicates with me. And this week, after the storms we’ve had here in the Northeast of the United States, I noticed the aftermath – and how it caused obstacles on an existing, well-traveled path where one always knows what to expect.
This time, however, the journey was different. Tree limbs were everywhere, big ones and small ones – with many disrupting the flow of the path.
So what to do, but walk over them and around them – and keep moving, yet noticing how the journey on the same path was being altered. The destination was the same, but the route to get there was full of surprises
Thinking about our creative process – and how anything can happen at any point along the way, how does that affect the overall experience? How does the direction alter when unexpected surprises arise? And what do we gain as a result?
This will be at the root of a brand new program that I’ll be sharing later this month.
Based on my highly-popular Creative Alchemy Studio, where I work with creative individuals who are bringing new bodies of work into the world through artistic endeavors – this new offering will be a group experience, bringing together creative souls who want to give life to a long-held dream or a collection of ideas. We’ll be working through a process of creative self-discovery that takes the messiness of scattered thoughts and ideas – and dreams that have gone unrealized, weaving them together into a beautiful new body of work.
If this sounds intriguing to you, please visit this page for more details: Creative Moon Wisdom Circle
As a member of this very special circle, you’ll receive my intuitive wisdom and personalized coaching that supports your unique process and the potential of your larger creative vision.
What’s waiting to be created in the messiness of life?
Come join me on a magical journey of self-discovery that’s rich with creative surprises and new discoveries!

You’ve summarized the creative process so simply and eloquently! I love how you used nature’s language to illustrate your point. It takes me back to all of the ebbs and flows of my own creative process. I can’t wait to hear more about your new program!
Tracy Thaden
As a Shamanic Healer, I love how much time you spend in nature and pay attention to it! Your article’s theme will apply to any process in life, not just the creative process. In careers, in relationships, etc., there is movement and there is always something appearing in your path to which you have to decide how to respond. Do you go around, through, or do you choose a different path? Loved it Tina!
I love this idea of ebbing and flowing! I always talk about variability as it relates to the health of the body, variable responses signify health, I never thought of this variability as it relates to our creativity, thank you for sharing!!