Celebrating the Winter Solstice
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been hearing more and more women talk about emotions that are related to some aspect of grieving. And I don’t mean the death of a loved one, but the death of some part of their life that they’ve come to know intimately – or the death of something inside of them.
For some, they’ve lost jobs or seen unexpected changes in their businesses that they weren’t prepared for – while others have experienced divorces or an empty nest for the first time. And then there are those who are going through physical changes like a pregnancy or menopause – while others are finding themselves stuck in an emotional rut and craving some form of clarity.
Whatever the case may be, it’s triggering the energies of grieving – the process of letting go and making peace with what no longer is.
What are the gifts of grieving – and how can they serve you in moving forward?
This is what will be at the root of my upcoming Winter Solstice Retreat.
Winter is a beautiful season that’s rich with reflection, introspection, renewal, healing, connection, and a thirst for all that is light. There are so many gifts wrapped up in the season of winter – with the capacity to uncover the depths of our soul, bringing us closer to our own light – both inner and outer.
Imagine having a heightened awareness of your own winter miracles as you move into 2015 with grace, ease, and a deep appreciation for all that you are!
- Would you like space to call your own this holiday season?
- Would you like a place where you can celebrate your creativity and your intuition – and all your many gifts and contributions?
- Would you like some support in identifying what you’d like to let go of – and what you’d like to keep – as you put closure on 2014?
- Would you like a sacred space that could support you as you move into the New Year with grace and ease?
- Would you like to dance with the energies of the Winter Solstice and apply the gifts of the winter season to your 2015 vision?
If you answered yes to any (or all) of the above, I’d like to invite you to join me for a unique virtual retreat experience, beginning Friday, December 19th and running thru Monday, January 5th. We’ll be exploring the meaning of a Winter Solstice and the magic it can bring into our lives. We’ll also be tapping into the gifts of a new moon and how we can carry them into the New Year to create a vision that allows our creative and intuitive gifts to flourish.
The Winter Solstice always brings a soulful, reflective energy that’s perfect for journal writing, visual mapping, and engaging in a deeper relationship with self. So it’s a perfect time to treat yourself to an intimate retreat experience.
You’ll be guided through a visioning process that will begin with the Winter Solstice new moon – and gently led through the holiday season as you begin to manifest a personal and professional vision that will be released into the universe with the first new moon of 2015.
New moons are a time of new beginnings. So what you begin to create during the Winter Solstice will pave the way toward a rich and fulfilling new year.
We’ll begin with a 60-minute telegathering at 12:00 p.m. (eastern) on Friday, December 19th to coincide with the start of the Winter Solstice and in the energy of the last new moon of 2014. I’ll be leading you through a process that will allow you to authentically create your 2015 vision.
And over the course of a three-week period, you’ll continue your visioning process in a private group forum where you can share any insights that occur and receive ongoing guidance and support from me and other members of our Winter Solstice Circle, as you weave your way through the holiday season.
We’ll return to our telegathering circle on Monday, January 5th at 12:00 p.m. (eastern) – during the first full moon of 2015 – for a 60-minute “releasing dreams into the universe” activation session.
Prepare to embark on a creative and intuitive journey toward a more fulfilling new year, one that utilizes the wisdom of nature’s greatest gifts!
To join this unique virtual retreat experience at the special rate of $147, please register via the link below.

Bonnie Nussbaum
Tina, your virtual retreat sounds amazing! I’ll check my schedule to see if I can do it. And I loved your definition of grieving as “the process of letting go and making peace with what no longer is”. Captures the essence perfectly!
Tina Games
I would be delighted to have you join us, Bonnie! 🙂 ~ Hopefully, your schedule will allow it.
This sounds so fantastic Tina! I am a big believer in the benefits of the winter solstice and marking the end of the year with insight as we swing into the new year! I am traveling on the 19th and the 20th or I would seriously do this! I need a soulful experience like this for the new year. Much success!
Barbara Williams
There are so many different changes we experience in life as we go through and/or from one stage to another. Not all are comfortable. Some stages are painful and difficult, especially when we’re accustomed to something being a certain way and all of a sudden things change. We do end up grieving or mourning over what is no longer and trying to find a way to accept what now is. Life is like that. Often many people don’t even know or understand they are grieving, simply because there hasn’t been a physical death. It doesn’t always have to be in order to grieve. This article invites the opportunity to take a look at where you have been, where you are, and help you begin the reflection process to move forward. And then there’s the great opportunity of continuing with you, Tina to walk with them through the process. What a blessing!
Chelsea Hanson
Tina, you are so talented and have so many wonderful gifts to share in so many different ways….you describe the grieving process beautifully, as many of us don’t realize the little “losses” that are happening around us….as we make room for the new too…
Your retreat sounds amazing Tina! I love how you define death and grieving here – the death of some part of their life or something inside of them and then grieving – the process of letting go and making peace with what no longer is. I see a lot of possibilities in the grieving process, so many new things can be born from that place. Much success!!
Christine Animal Healer
Sounds wonderful, Tina. As I watch the cycles of the moon, I always wonder, “What would Tina be writing about this now?” 🙂 The retreat sounds nice and what perfect timing!
Tina I really love this time of year. Living for 10 years in Alaska brought me to really appreciate the Winter Solstice and I have always found it to be a very intimate and magical time of year. I love that you are offering an opportunity for women to gather together and go deep into the darkness and meet the delight that may be dormant and just waiting for an invitation to greet the coming light.