What Reality Are You Choosing?
As we move toward the darkest day of the year, I’m mindful of how much our outer landscape mirrors our inner one. What we think and how we’re feeling on the inside can affect what we see on the outside.
If our inner light is burning bright, it allows us to see beauty and possibility in the most dire of circumstances.
And if our inner light is dim – or completely burned out, we’ll only see what feels dark and challenging around us.
How bright is your inner light? Is it lighting up a path of vision and possibility?
Or are you feeling uninspired – with a lack of vision and clarity for what might be coming next in your life?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a crystal clear vision of what you want for the new year?
Once you decide what this vision is, it can become your reality – both inner and outer, causing your life to change in miraculous ways.
What are you visualizing? How crystal clear is it? And what steps are needed to bring that into reality?
These are great questions to explore in the winter season – a time of rich reflection, introspection, renewal, healing, connection, and a thirst for all that is light. There are so many gifts wrapped up in the season of winter – with the capacity to uncover the depths of our soul, bringing us closer to our own light – both inner and outer.
Imagine having a heightened awareness of your own winter miracles as you move into 2017 with grace, ease, and a deep appreciation for all that you are!
Come join me for my annual Winter Solstice Virtual Retreat – where we’ll be connecting with those lighter parts of who you are by sorting through what might be feeling dark for you in this moment. We’ll get clear on what it is you’re ready to let go of – and making room for something new to enter as we create a 2017 vision that feels inspiring and inviting, both personally and professionally.
For more details and to register, please visit this page: Winter Solstice Retreat
And for a sneak peek at what this wonderful retreat has in store for you, check out the video interview below.
Here’s to exploring the gifts of the winter season – and discovering your own winter miracles!

I appreciate the melodic manner in which you write and approach the significance of the solstice! Introspection which can lead to healing in a dynamic with others virtually would be a powerful way to go into 2015. Intention is so important. I believe this is partially what occurs in your work – to know what it is one wants and how to gain the clarity to achieve such. Success to you Tina and those who work with you!
This is such a great time to connect within and connect to our vision and the limitless possibilities that are just waiting! Your retreat sounds amazing! I can relate to letting go of the old and make room for the new for 2015!
Great post Tina – Just yesterday I was feeling overcome with darkness as I could not get in touch with any inspiration inside of me. I wanted to give up on my dreams and just go to sleep. Once I stopped fighting this feeling and moved with the resistance I found my inner light once again, enjoyed a long sleep and I am now ready to explore the rich reflection, introspection, renewal, healing, connection, and a thirst for all that is light – Happy Winter Solstice!
Barbara Williams
So true Tina that the outer really does reflect the inner. What shows up, or what you put out is indicative of what’s there to begin with. So it there’s anything to change, it needs to begin within. This can’t be said enough. Thanks for sharing.
More great offerings from you!
Thank you Tina again!
Patricia Young
What a great article Tina! and timing is perfect as I’ve been reviewing with appreciation all I did this year and looking forward to next year. I did my vision board and feel inspired and full of possibilities! Your retreat souns amazing!! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
I love the idea of focusing on both inside and outside. So used to just putting my attention on what’s going on outside me then dealing with the rest as it comes up. Much better to put attention there first. LOVE IT!
Kailean Welsh
There are so many things I don’t like about this time of year, the snow, cold, and commercialism, being right up there. But I really value the darkness and the reflection and the space for going within. I will be going inward to find that crystal vision for myself moving forward. Your Solstice program sounds fantastic! Enjoy!
Lori Quirk
Excellent post, Tina! I can resonate with you 100%. When I have a vision and value my inner light, it supports me in moving toward my desire and gives me the foundation to build my big, bold, beautiful dream! It helps me stay focused when I feel the ground beneath me start to come undone, which inevitable happens when I take a risk and move out of my comfort zone. Thank you for sharing these very wise and empowering words. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.