Personal Power through Awareness

As a certified creativity coach and possibility artist, I work with writers, poets, musicians, performers, artists, and creative entrepreneurs who are highly-sensitive and keenly aware of the energies around them – and within themselves. This leads to great discernment in the creation process, knowing when and how to work with energy – and being mindful of its influence and impact .
To help us understand the sensitivity of energy, I’ve invited author Sanaya Roman to discuss the wisdom shared in her book, Personal Power through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People – which was recently published by New World Library.
Sanaya offers great insight for the creative soul – as channeled through Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher – which is shared in our interview below. Their mission is to empower intuitive and energetically open people to appreciate their sensitivity as a gift – and as a powerful and reliable way to receive direct and divine information to make life-changing choices.
Can everyone sense energy and clear it, or is there special training needed?
There are chapters in the book that offer tips that help strengthen people’s ability to recognize when they have been affected by unwanted energies, and then to quickly release them so they can return to their center of peace and clear thinking. The revised book also contains a new powerful, effective and easy-to-follow process for recognizing and clearing unwanted energies, thoughts, memories, beliefs, and fears, as well as other people’s thoughts and beliefs, which might be affecting you.
Anyone can sense energy and work with it if they have the intent to do so and take the time to get quiet and listen within. We are all surrounded by energy, including the feelings and thoughts of others, as well as the subtle energies that emanate from objects and environments. The book teaches how to work with those energies so we can stay in our center and be receptive to higher energies rather than lower ones.
What does it feel like to be clear and in my center?
When you are free of lesser energies, you feel clear and balanced. You feel more joyful, insightful, focused, and optimistic. You are your true Self, the Self you are when you are not affected by the energies around. In a clear state you are more open to life and love. You feel alive! You are in the flow, motivated, productive, and creative.
When you are clear, you have the enthusiasm and energy you need to accomplish your goals. Regrets, fears, and doubts recede and confidence and clarity take their place. You are open and receptive to your higher good. You embrace change and new things. What seemed like problems or obstructions disappear, and burdens fall away. You feel good about yourself, your life, and other people.
Being in a clear state allows you to open to new possibilities and unfold the greater potential of your life. Being clear makes it easier to recognize that which is your purpose and that which is not. You strengthen your ability to bring about your higher good, working in harmony with the Universe.
How can I know if I have been affected by the energies around me?
Some indications that your energy is not clear are when you find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, angry, discouraged, powerless, or worried. You might find yourself having a surprisingly strong and unusual emotional response to something. These feelings are not who you are! They come from energy you live around that you have picked up and thought was your own.
Other ways you can know that you have picked up energy that is not yours is when you experience thoughts that bring you down and make you feel vulnerable or scared, have thoughts that circle around without resolution, or regularly picture negative outcomes.
Additionally, you will know you are not clear when you have trouble concentrating, feel unbalanced, worry about a future event, or experience deep concerns about your life or relationships. You are not clear when you feel like people in your life do not love you, or you experience regret, guilt, or self-recrimination. When find yourself dwelling on past mistakes, your energy is not clear. If you have worried thoughts about money, your relationships, or your health, your energy is not clear. Whenever you do not have a sense of well-being, you can assume you have taken on energy that does not reflect your true Self and that it is time to clear it.
You mention in the book that clearing our energy can help us recognize and act on our intuition (as opposed to our thoughts). Can you say more about that?
When your energy is clear, you can receive many intuitive, inspiring thoughts that bring you guidance, clarity, and lift you up. They may appear spontaneously at any time, no matter what you are doing. You can recognize intuitive thoughts by their sense of rightness — a feeling that these thoughts are telling you the truth. They may contain new ideas about what to do next or give you a new, more positive perspective on an existing situation.
Sometimes intuitive thoughts come with a sense of urgency if you have ignored other promptings, or if there is need for immediate action. However, most of the time intuitive thoughts do not come with a sense of rush or urgency.
You probably will not be able to justify or explain intellectually what you are receiving intuitively. Intuitive thoughts often bring a strong feeling of the sense of direction you need to go in. People may want to know exactly why you feel intuitively that you need to do something, but intuitive thoughts are not usually that linear and clear cut. As you take one step to follow your intuitive guidance, the next steps will come into view.
Intuition is partly composed of thoughts, and partly composed of feelings. Intuitive thoughts are often vague and do not come with a command to do something in a specific way. You may not able to explain to others why you feel an action is needed or why your choosing to do something is the right choice, but doing so feels right to you. You know the Universe is supporting you because following your intuition brings positive results.
Above all else, intuitive thoughts bring peace rather than fear, and open the way for more light to pour into your life.

Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years. Orin has assisted hundreds of thousands of people to awaken spiritually. Sanaya and Orin provide a path of self-realization through their books, including the newly revised Personal Power through Awareness. They also offer audio courses and seminars. You can read more about Sanaya and Orin’s teachings at www.orindaben.com.

Kathryn S.
I consider myself highly sensitive and resonate with this post. I feel energy around me constantly and sometimes have a hard time processing it. This book may be helpful for me, thank you!
Thanks for the guidance on strengthening and clearing intuition and spiritual wisdom- it’s something I use constantly! Good work Tina- great interview Orin!
Sabrina Washington
This blog resonated with me in so many ways! Since personal power can waver from day to day for most of us, this is such a great key to mindfulness and the ability to bounce back! Being energetically sensitive can have it’s taxing moments. Such great tips here, and I’m so excited about reading more in the book!! I do also appreciate the clear distinction of intuitive thoughts not including “command statements”. So important to identify intuition from some other energy or place where command thoughts might be coming from!! Thank you so much for sharing Tina & Sanaya Roman!!