Navigating Life’s Journey through Power Questions
As a certified creativity and life purpose coach for highly-creative and spiritually-minded women, I’m always exploring various scenarios with questions. I have an innate curiosity to know “who, what, where, when, why – and how.”
This curiosity was instrumental in my early days as a television, radio, and print journalist. It also plays a key role in my current work as I gently guide women on a path of self-discovery as they connect with their inner voice and learn to navigate life’s many twists and turns.
Asking “power questions” is part of the service I provide for my clients. It’s also something that I teach them to do for themselves.
So when I found out about my colleague Sandy Nelson‘s new book, Ask Power Questions: A Practical Guide to Help You Get What You Want in Business, Life, and Friendship – I knew it was something I wanted to have in my professional toolbox.
Sandy brings to life the “art of asking power questions.”
Through her brilliant storytelling and with a creative perspective, she guides readers to look closer at life’s situations by asking questions that inspire a deeper meaning, a more innovative approach – and that yield to a heightened sense of self-discovery and self-empowerment. Sandy’s own experience as an artist provides the perfect backdrop for many of her teaching stories.
If you’re finding yourself stuck on how to move forward in an authentic and meaningful way, I highly recommend Sandy’s book. To give you a taste of her brilliance, I’ve invited her here today to share how asking power questions can expand your life purpose journey.
And if you’d like to tap into more of Sandy’s wisdom, keep an eye out for her book on Amazon later this month.
Asking Power Questions that Enhance Your Life Purpose Journey
By Sandy Nelson
You navigate your life with questions. The basic five questions are: who, what, where, when, and why?
We commonly use these simple questions in our day-to-day situations, and they can serve us well. However, if you want a fulfilling life with rich meaning, to reach your desired achievements, and deeply enjoy all of your relationships, you must learn to ask power questions.
There is a more compelling question — how? Asking this question is more powerful, because it engages your opportunities.
Change is the dominant energy in the universe. When you engage opportunity you enter the relationship with change. To communicate your thoughts and make your requests, you’ll need to devise powerful questions that are aimed at getting you specifically what you want.
You can’t stop a river’s flow, but you might be able to redirect it. When you ask, “Why is this happening to me?” – you’re caught in the current treading water. Rather, you can choose to empower yourself by readdressing (the flow) with the question, “How can I direct what is happening to employ the gifts it can bring to me?”
A well-lived journey is guided by power questions.
My journey has always focused on a good question. My maiden name was “How” – and in many ways it’s become my life quest. Through plentiful challenging experiences of growth I came to understand I needed to stop asking “why” things were happening to me – and learn to ask “how” I could live a wonderful life.
Simple words began life-altering events.
When you focus on the actual things you want, you can begin to formulate the powerful questions that help you achieve getting them.
The next time you ask a question with one of the five W’s – try to substitute the word “how” instead.
What new enticing openings come to you? How many new possibilities can you now choose?
By simply redirecting your perspective to “how” – you can create much meaning and define more success in your life.
Your life purpose journey will achieve great heights when you shift away from asking, “what, when or why?” – and instead, ask “how can I?”
Sandy Nelson is an artist, a certified creativity coach, and author of the new book, Ask Power Questions: A Practical Guide to Help You Get What You Want in Business, Life and Friendship. Her book will be released on Amazon in November 2015. To find out more about Sandy’s work, please visit her website: www.MeetYourMuse.com

Jill Greinke
What a fantastic book to share! It is definitely something all of us should add to our toolbox. Everyone should make note of the 5 w questions and then ask how. It really does change things and helps make navigating life much easier.
Lea Tran
Asking ‘how’ instead of ‘why’. Brilliant. Thank you for sharing, Tina and Sandy!
Pamela Thompson
Sounds like a great book Tina! I love the idea of Power questions. Thanks for sharing.
Patricia Young
Love the concept of Power Questions! And love the idea of shifting from “why” to “how”, by doing so we go from a place of victimhood to a place of possibilities! thanks for sharing Tina! It sounds like a great book!