Moonlight Money Breakthrough
Are you ready for a Moonlight Money Breakthrough?
Whether we realize it or not, many of us are stuck in a “money pattern” – and it affects everything we think, see and do around money. If you desire more financial abundance, the Moonlight Money Breakthrough program will guide you through the phases of the moon as you explore the emotional depths of your “money story” – helping you clear the deck so you can invite new “money energy” into your life and spark the money breakthrough you deeply desire.
This program is ideal if you:
- Under earn, even though you know you’re worth so much more
- Frequently find yourself short of money, despite trying to make more
- Want to achieve a new level of success in your business or career, but something always seems to be preventing you from making significant progress towards your goals
- Wish someone would hand you a debt payoff plan that feels liberating
- Are ready to transform your deepest fears regarding money into enlightened and joyful action
- Want to create the wealth for you and your family that you’ve always desired
- Are fed up with money blame, shame or guilt and are more than ready to heal your relationship with money, once and for all
- Want heart-centered teaching and coaching to help you make these life-changing, important breakthroughs
In this creative, highly-personalized coaching program, we’ll be exploring the meaning of money in your life and how it has shaped your current “money story.” We’ll be identifying old money patterns as we uncover your stumbling blocks and hold-ups when it comes to giving and receiving money. We’ll tap into astrological wisdom as we connect with ways that will help you break free of old patterns and begin to clear the space to attract a more abundant flow of money energy. If you’re ready to:
- Make sense of your “money story”
- Understand the connection between money and emotions
- Identify your “money type”
- Move out of a money cycle that doesn’t feel good
- Untangle your current money patterns
- Clear your money clutter
- Heal your family’s money legacy
- Open up the channels for money abundance
- Step into a more positive energy flow around money
- Claim your money power
Then come join the Moonlight Money Breakthrough program and be gently guided into a deeper awareness of your money story, leading you toward a more spiritual relationship with money. This three-month coaching program includes ten content-rich modules with the last module devoted to mapping out your Moonlight Money Breakthrough plan. It also includes three private 45-minute coaching sessions to discuss the course material – with private e-mail access for continued coaching support throughout the duration of the program.
Here’s to creating a more spiritual and abundant
relationship with money!