How Does Autumn Inspire Rich Colors of Change?
I love the rich, vibrant colors of autumn. It’s my favorite season of the year – and oh, so inspiring!
How does this season inspire the “rich color” within you? How does it spark your creative process?
Imagine taking an autumn walk and being surrounded by the richness of change. You see the leaves changing colors, perhaps dropping to the ground. You notice that squirrels are running around, looking for nuts to store for the winter. You notice the flower beds are getting a little more bare. You can sense that everything is changing – in preparation for a new cycle.
In nature, there is nothing that is not continually renewing itself – and that constant renewal is out of the ground of what no longer is. Nature knows that in order to renew itself, it must completely shed the old.
If we want to make a fresh start in life, we have to put ourselves where a fresh start actually takes place – in our heart and in our mind. We have to truly “feel” the change – and really “desire” the change. And once that’s achieved, we make up our mind that, yes – this change is welcomed.
This is a deep knowing that often can’t be explained in rational terms. It’s what I call intuition – and it serves as a guiding light when one senses that a change is the next right step.
Nature is constantly changing – without hesitation. It “just is.”
And like the season of autumn, a fresh start can “just be” – if we allow ourselves to be fully open to it. If we can give ourselves the gift of “renewal” – a fresh start can feel incredibly genuine.
So during this colorful season, allow yourself to be fully released from the old way of doing things – and bask in the energy of self-renewal.
What colorful new beginnings are wanting to emerge for you?
These are the types of rich questions that we’ll be exploring in next month’s Moonlight Journaling Retreat – where we’ll be dabbling with 18 different journal writing techniques as we journey through the moon phases during a real-time 28-day lunar cycle.
Come join a beautiful and very sacred circle of creative souls – and dance with your inner wisdom as you explore the various aspects of yourself, your life, and your relationships with others – through the art of journal writing.
Our next circle opens on Monday, September 18th – just in time for the Virgo New Moon – bringing a sense of order, structure, and exquisite beauty to our everyday routine.
For more information or to register, please click on the link above.
Here’s to a glorious season of change – filled with rich color!

Bonnie Nussbaum
I love this line, ” If we want to make a fresh start in life, we have to put ourselves where a fresh start actually takes place – in our heart and in our mind.” Quite the shift in perspective! I create my own fresh start whenever I consciously decide to do so. Powerful!
Lea Tran
Great article, Tina. The autumn is also my favorite season of the year, I find it very inspiring and renewing. Releasing the old to welcome in the new. I love the idea of this!
Tina I just love the richness of color in your post…I can almost taste it! I have always been a lover of change…I often don’t resist it especially when Mother Nature is in charge. It is like you so perfectly describe… as a fresh start in life. I can totally see why this time of year is your favorite…you always dress in such rich colors and wear them well, you inspire others to tap into their intuition and create from a place of deep purpose. Your sacred circle on October 12th will be a gift for all who attend!
Jo Ann
Beautiful post – capturing the colors, textures, and sentiments of this season of deep and colorful change.Yes – change can be such a vibrant gift of our deepest self when we allow the movement to change us in ways that bring us back to our deepest roots – to allow ourselves to show up in our grand colors. Thank you, Tina <3