Authentic Connection,  Authentic Voice,  Change,  Darkness,  Depression,  Ebb and Flow,  Emotional Connection,  Expansion,  Inner Exploration,  Inspiration,  Journal Writing,  Midlife Transition,  Moon Phases,  New Beginnings,  New Moon,  Personal Growth,  Possibility,  Rebirth,  Self-Discovery,  Transition,  Wholeness

Finding Light in the Dark

New MoonNext week, we’ll be moving into another new moon phase which always brings a time of new beginnings. Where one door closes, another one opens.

During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, other than the surrounding stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new creative energy on the world.

It brings to our awareness the potential that darkness has in shedding light on life’s lessons and the many gifts that would otherwise go unnoticed.

The darkness of the moon brings an opportunity to reflect on our life’s journey by taking a closer look at who we are – underneath the layers of life. It’s a time to turn within and write about our inner thoughts and feelings.

By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – we can reach a place where our personal reflection begins to shed its own light.

It’s a time to ponder where we’ve been, how we got to where we are now, and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and to prepare for a new path of travel. It also marks an ideal time for connecting with our inner selves and our true heart’s desire.

This is a time where dots start to connect and patterns start to reveal themselves – just as the stars do in the night sky. Everything has a place and everything has a purpose. Now it becomes our job to find our place in the next phase of life’s journey.

And the first step toward this new phase is the realization that there is a gift in everything IF we choose to see it.

As poet Mary Oliver once wrote, “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.”

Box of Darkness

The energies of the dark moon can feel especially potent. That’s because they are. They represent the unknown and can send a magnetic pull to lure our willingness and our desire to find out – “What is the gift in this darkness that is waiting to be discovered by me?

It’s a perfect opportunity to make a new discovery about yourself as you contemplate the next evolution of YOU.

Join me tomorrow – Thursday, September 18th at 2:00 p.m. (eastern) – for a special new moon dialogue with fellow luminary, Shirley Billson as part of the Bigger Life Revolution Telesummit. We’ll be discussing how journaling through the moon phases inspires new beginnings – and how the greatest transformational gifts are found in those darker moments of life.

By tapping into the wisdom of the moon phases – and through the art of journal writing, you can be gently led into your own “new moon beginning” with grace, ease, and a crystal clear clarity for what will best support your transitional path.

And bring your journal with you to the call. You’ll want to capture the wisdom that we share and the powerful questions you can ask yourself while navigating a dark period in your life, such as depression or a major life transition.

Here’s to magical new beginnings that are inspired by the unique gifts that are found in the darker parts of life!

Tina M. Games is the author of Journaling by the Moonlight: A Mother’s Path to Self-Discovery (an interactive book with an accompanying deck of 54 journaling prompt cards). As a certified creativity and life purpose coach, and a gifted intuitive, she is the “Moonlight Muse” for women who want to tap into the “full moon within” and claim their authentic self, both personally and professionally. Through her signature coaching programs, based on the phases of the moon, Tina gently guides women from darkness to light as they create an authentic vision filled with purpose, passion and creative expression. She lives on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with her husband and their two children.


  • Bonnie Nussbaum

    I absolutely love the comment “What is the gift in this darkness that is waiting to be discovered by me?“ It makes me much more likely to tune in, go in search of, honor and enjoy what I discover. Thank you.

  • Mateja

    Love your comment “darkness has in shedding light on life’s lessons and the many gifts that would otherwise go unnoticed.” I didn’t heal until I embraced that in my life. Also, as I am sure you are familiar with Debbie Ford, she uses a similar term “shadow” When we embrace it, our life can become unstuck.

    Mateja Petje,LMFT

  • Cher Gunderson

    Tina, I love how you tie the phases of the moon into life lessons for beautifying our souls and expressing our unique brilliance. This idea of embracing the darker parts of ourselves also allows us to be more fully authentic. Authenticity is one of the things that connects us to others. They want to see the “real” us, not the “perfect” us. Authenticity also creates opportunities for healing not only ourselves, but others through our stories. I love seeing the far-reaching impact that my clients’ stories have on their audiences. When I look at the moon, I think of you and your insightful wisdom.

    Cher Gunderson

  • Veronica

    Just love your wisdom! I believe when we reach the precipice and make a decision to take the leap of faith we are ready to permit spirit to bring in the light. Sometimes it is much easier to take someone’s hand along the way but ultimately we must make the jump!

  • Kailean

    Beautifully written and illuminating. I love the concept of contemplating the next evolution of me. Each month we have the opportunity to evolve, grow, shine a little brighter. I will do so consciously, with intention. Thank you.

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