• Are You Curious about Digital Journal Writing?

    When most of us think of journal writing, we picture ourselves sitting in a big, comfy chair by a window in a coffee shop. We have a hardbound, maybe spiral journal in our hands and our favorite pen – and we’re scribbling away. This creates the space we need to let our thoughts pour out of our mind and onto the page. But what about those who aren’t so keen on the traditional journaling method of writing by hand? These are individuals who would rather type out their thoughts on computers – perhaps even moving notes around so they can keep them grouped in a particular way. These days, digital journaling is picking up momentum. It’s a form of collecting and documenting one’s thoughts on…

  • The Art of Creative Surrender

    Imagine a white canvas in front of you – and a vision in your mind of blues and greens and purples – so you begin to paint, carefully placing your brush on the canvas as you blend the colors – and suddenly, you knock a jar of brown paint onto your palette. What then? Do you clean it up? Do you start again? Or do you wonder what the synchronicity of the spillage might be telling you? What wants to be noticed? What wants to be included? When we allow ourselves to get attached to a specific outcome, we can rob ourselves of an opportunity to engage in miraculous creation – the kind that comes from creative surrender. What happens when we let go –…

  • Dancing with the Contrast of Darkness and Light

    Our lunar goddess is rich with wisdom. Through her phases, she teaches us how to move from darkness into light with the gracefulness of a ballroom dance. We step in, we step out – and we circle back around again. And with each step of this dance, we gain a new experience – a new awareness. What do we receive in darkness that we may not see in the light? And how does the light magnify what’s tucked away in darkness? This is where the gift of contrast comes in – and how the wisdom of the moon serves as a wonderful teacher. Imagine looking up at the night sky during a first quarter lunar phase – and seeing a moon that’s half lit. It…

  • Writing Like a Madwoman

    As a possibility artist, and a certified creativity and life alchemy coach, one of the greatest joys in my work with clients is that magical moment when the dots connect – when a highly-creative and talented woman owns her brilliance. This is exactly what happened with former client, Marta Luzim – when she claimed her genius work and birthed “Writing Like a Madwoman.” This signature body of work encapsulates Marta’s life journey and her innate gifts and talents in the most beautiful of ways, as she helps other women claim their inner madwoman through the art of deep writing and the excavation of their complex personal stories. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to a woman who has inspired the vulnerability in my…

  • Is the Door of Persistence Just Not Opening?

    Have you ever felt like you’ve wasted your time on something? You’ve given countless hours and exuberance to a project, a job, a relationship – and it just doesn’t go anywhere? You keep trying and trying. You walk away, come back with a different approach – but nothing sticks. So you go through every tool you have, you try every key – and still come up short. You even do a bit of meditating, clearing your mind and your energy, only to return to the same scenario. What then? Is there something wrong with you? Or could it be, simply put – a mismatch? Persistence is an admirable quality. But if you’ve done everything you know how to do – and it’s still not working, it’s…