• What’s Your Purple Possibility?

    Have you ever felt like throwing the entire game board of LIFE up in the air – and seeing where the pieces land? Are you curious about what you might find underneath all the rubble? And are you eager to know how all the pieces fit together – in a way that honors who you are as an authentic human being? This has inspired my newest programs, the Purple Possibility Studio and the Purple Possibility Diamond – both designed to spark the creative possibilities on your life purpose journey. Through creative exploration and an open mind, you’ll be gently guided into a more heightened awareness of what’s already present as you shift your focus toward connecting the dots of life’s synchronicities. It’s a unique and spiritually-rich approach…

  • My Manifesto as a Life Purpose Alchemist

    As a Life Purpose Alchemist, it’s my intention to help highly-creative and spiritually-minded individuals connect the dots of their life story in a way that makes sense and in a way that feels right. It’s through this intention that I’m able to help them “Connect with their Creative Purpose. Step into their Life Story. Create their Legacy.” I’m a lover of story. I genuinely love hearing artists, writers, filmmakers, creative visionaries, and creative entrepreneurs tell their life stories. Through their words, through their laughter, through their tears – I hear threads of meaning, threads of purpose. And I have a divine gift for weaving these threads together in a way that unveils a richer life meaning, bringing about deep clarity and synchronistic moments. It’s this meaning that brings the…

  • Becoming Your Own Valentine

    Most of the messages coming our way this time of year are to “be someone else’s valentine.” But what if we took this opportunity to be our own valentine? Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity to connect with the one who can truly bring love into your life – YOU! Your well-being – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually – depends on you. Since Valentine’s Day falls on a full moon this year, it marks an ideal time for honoring the Inner Goddess within you, celebrating your own wisdom and light. Imagine being able to make a heart-to-heart connection with yourself, one that’s filled with love and gratitude – and giving yourself permission to step into the highest version of YOU. There are many ways to…

  • Tapping into Full Moon Energy

    One of the gifts that the full moon gives us is an overwhelming desire to come alive. Whether that’s bringing a passion front and center or finally making the decision to take a giant leap forward in a new direction that is fully aligned with our life purpose. Imagine driving through a fast food window and placing an order – only this time the menu lists the one thing that you’ve been contemplating for quite some time. Perhaps it’s that life-changing book you’ve been working on for eons, but keep finding yourself facing one creative block after another. Or maybe it’s that passion-filled business that you’ve been wanting to start, but you haven’t yet gotten the courage to just go for it. Or it could…

  • Claim Your Creative Voice with Passion

    As a creativity coach and life purpose alchemist, I attract highly-creative individuals who are looking for more meaning in their lives, both personally and professionally. Part of the work we do together involves honoring their authentic voice. Who are they when they show up fully and completely? And how does this voice get expressed in their professional work? Many of my clients are artists, writers, innovators, and trailblazers – all of whom have their own unique spin on what it is they do as creative professionals. And when this is expressed authentically, they make an everlasting creative mark on the world. So how does passion play into making one’s mark in the world? And how does passion feed one’s creative voice? Today, I’ve invited one of…