• How Darkness Can Inspire Your Creativity

    Are you going through a difficult time, unsure of your next steps – or contemplating a change in direction with no idea of how to move forward? Do you feel stuck in your creative process, wondering how to best express yourself as you transition into the next phase of life? We’ll soon be moving into another new moon phase – which always brings a time of new beginnings. Where one door closes, another one opens. During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, other than the surrounding stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new creative energy on the world. It brings to our awareness the potential that darkness has in…

  • What Reality Are You Choosing?

    As we move toward the darkest day of the year, I’m mindful of how much our outer landscape mirrors our inner one. What we think and how we’re feeling on the inside can affect what we see on the outside. If our inner light is burning bright, it allows us to see beauty and possibility in the most dire of circumstances. And if our inner light is dim – or completely burned out, we’ll only see what feels dark and challenging around us. How bright is your inner light? Is it lighting up a path of vision and possibility? Or are you feeling uninspired – with a lack of vision and clarity for what might be coming next in your life? Wouldn’t it be nice…

  • Play, Explore, Discover

    As a certified creativity coach and life purpose alchemist, I work with divinely-inspired artists and writers on their creative process, helping them sort through their many ideas so they can choose a project that’s fully aligned with their life’s work and their bigger authentic vision. A lot goes into the creative process, from idea to planning to implementation to completion. And while it can be an exciting journey, it can sometimes feel like a lot of hard work. This is where a creative mantra comes in handy. When we can set an intention that makes the process fun and inspiring, it becomes a joyful experience of exploration and discovery – from beginning to end. Today, I’ve asked my colleague and former client Brecia Kralovic-Logan, author of The Spiral of…

  • Are You Living a Van Gogh Story?

    There’s a quote by inspirational speaker and author Wayne Dyer that brings to light the power of now – and the significance that courage plays into fully realizing one’s potential. “Don’t die with your music still inside you.” As a self-empowerment coach for highly-creative and spiritually-minded women who are here to express their life’s purpose through artistic endeavors, I’m fully aware of how much courage it takes to stand in front of an audience and share your unique gifts. Many adults struggle with courage and end up “holding back” – for an entire lifetime – gifts and talents that could so easily be appreciated by others. This “holding back” can be triggered by a multitude of things – lack of self-worth, lack of confidence, fear of criticism, fear of…

  • What Can You Create Using What You Already Have?

    It’s a wonderful time of year for fresh starts and new beginnings – and opportunities to see things a bit differently than you may have before. Have you ever looked into your food pantry and dreamed up a dish using the ingredients you already have – without a need to go out to the grocery story? Imagine for a moment – using this analogy in your current life, business, or creative process. What can you “cook up” using the ingredients you already have? We’ll be moving into a new moon phase this weekend in the practical and resourceful sign of Capricorn. It’s a great time to review what you already have in place, both personally and professionally – and begin to look for creative ways to…