Gratitude – One of Life’s Greatest Teachers
Thanksgiving is just around the corner here in the United States – and at the heart of this national holiday is gratitude. Take a moment, as you’re reading this, to reflect on what it is that you’re most grateful for in your life. Allow yourself to focus on any images, words, and emotions that capture this energy of gratitude – and make note of them in a journal or a notebook. Now think about the parts of your life where you could use a bit of inspiration – to spark an even deeper sense of gratitude. Even challenges can be inspiring when you take the time to examine them through a lens of possibility, seeing the lessons they bring into your life. Are you able…
How Meaningful Are Your Relationships?
We moved into another new moon phase today, this one in the astrological sign of Libra. New Moons always bring new beginnings that stem from the desires we have bubbling just under the surface. It marks an ideal time to acknowledge what it is within us that now wants to rise above the surface and take flight. The Libra New Moon brings light to the connections in our lives, sparking a strong desire for balance, communication, and beauty – with a big emphasis on relationships. It’s a perfect time to ask yourself: What in my life needs balancing, both internally and externally? What relationships do I have in my life that need more attention, perhaps even healing? Are there relationships in my life that have run their course? Am I ready to…
Is There More To Life Than This?
There must be more to life than this! Has this thought ever popped into your mind? And more importantly, has it popped up recently? If so, you’re not alone! ~ More and more people are feeling deeply dissatisfied with their businesses and job situations, their relationships, their income, even their future potential. They want big change, but they don’t know how to make it happen fast enough – or even at all. The great Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Like so many of my friends and colleagues, I’m going through some major changes right now, both personally and professionally. A lot is shifting within me and around me…
Are You a Human Being – or a Human Doing?
Whenever we watch the news, we can see global unrest happening all over the world. People are confused, frustrated, unsatisfied, and angry about this or that – and are desperately seeking answers to questions that feel puzzling. They’re scrambling, looking for things they can do to fix whatever problem they may be facing. And then there are those who are reaching beyond just wanting answers to their questions and quick-fix solutions. They are the ones who are looking for ways to bring more meaning into their lives through a deeper connection to self and a beingness that feels more authentically-aligned. There’s a deep yearning for purpose and passion – and a desire for crystal clear clarity about life itself. This is what inspires more thought-provoking questions,…
What is Life Purpose – and How Does It Impact Legacy?
People often ask me, “What is life purpose?” Life purpose is all about how you show up in the world – in a very authentic, intuitive, divinely-inspired way. Life purpose is a life thread – a personal energy, a set of values – that weaves its way through our life tapestry. It shows up in our creative expression, in our parenting, in our professional work, in our community service, in our choice of hobbies and personal activities, in our relationships with others, in our relationship with self, and in our relationship with the Earth. It’s about making deep and meaningful connections within – and without. It’s what shapes our journey and our experiences in this lifetime. It’s what we’re here to learn – and what we’re…