Are You Going through Business Menopause?
Like so many of my friends and colleagues, I’m going through some major changes right now, both personally and professionally. A lot is shifting within me and around me. It feels as if the energy of the old ways of doing and being are moving out – making room for new possibilities and opportunities.
I’ve been doing a lot of journal writing and working with many of my favorite oracle decks. I’ve also been taking a multitude of walks on the many nature trails that are available here on Cape Cod. It’s a highly-reflective and contemplative time in my life right now.
And what I’m noticing, having turned 50 years old back in May, is the reality that my physical body is changing. I’m moving into a stage of life that is often defined by the medical world as perimenopause. It’s that “in-between” stage of unfamiliarity and unpredictability – which is nature’s way of getting you prepared for a new way of being. And this change is triggering quite a lot on an emotional level – which is rippling out to the many other parts of my life, including my professional work.
My business is in metamorphosis mode at the moment, moving into its next phase of evolution. And the irony is – it’s reflecting many of the same energies that are congruent with the physical changes in my body.
The last time I went through a major shift like this was when I first became pregnant. My body went through tremendous change during that nine-month period, which filtered out through the lens of my more emotional self.
Moving into the role of “mother” changed everything for me, including the direction that my career was taking at that time. It’s what led me into my self-discovery work with moms and its what inspired my book, Journaling by the Moonlight: A Mother’s Path to Self-Discovery – which was accompanied by a beautiful deck of 54 journaling prompt cards based on the phases of the moon.
The image you see here (in this blog post) is one of the many images that were created exclusively for my book and journaling card deck. It shows a woman in deep contemplation, pondering her life and the direction its wanting to take in that moment of reflection – while being gently comforted by the light of the moon. Her journal sits open on her lap, ready to catch any insights that come to her during her time of deep questioning.
So here I am again – in a period of life where I’m being called into a phase of deep questioning and profound shifts, wondering where I might go next in the many aspects of my life – including business. Where will this inner journey take me this time?
Because I work primarily with women who fall between the ages of 40-60, the subject of menopause does come up in our coaching conversations. Whether we like it or not, it is a reality of life. And what I’m coming to realize is – it’s nothing to be afraid of or confused by. It stands to serve as another beautiful and very natural opportunity to move toward the next evolution of self. It’s the pathway to a new beginning that requires a significant level of grieving – making peace with what’s wanting to be left behind so that the space can be cleared for what is wanting to emerge next.
As it relates to my business, I’m doing a lot of clearing and letting go, making room for something new that keeps knocking at my door. The funny thing is – when I go to open the door, nothing is there – simply because it’s not ready to be seen yet. But I feel it – and I’m looking forward to the moment when it finally reveals itself. There’s an element of mystery about it that feels really exciting! But it doesn’t come without a level of discomfort. Quite frankly, I have no idea what will emerge – and its the unknowingness that feels unsettling.
Can you relate to this in any way? Could this be happening in your life – or even in your business?
Are you going through business menopause?
If so, I’d love to invite you into a beautiful and very sacred space with me as we embark on an inner journey to discover what it is wanting to emerge within you – and within your business. This is a unique business visioning program that takes you through the phases of the moon as you connect with the many aspects of yourself, both internally and externally. To read more about this rich and provocative experience, please visit this link: Moonlight Business Visioning
For now, I’d like to leave you with this English proverb, “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.”
Here’s to celebrating the next evolution of you and your professional work! 🙂

Dorothy Fitzer
Tina – I shouldn’t have been chewing when I read that title. Almost choked laughing;) Aside from that, the analogy works. The energy around that statement is really giving me something to sit with at the moment. Thanks;)
Love your article Tina! I like how you use the Menopause analogy to the new beginninigs, even for a business! New beginnings are so filled with possibiities, I’m sure your new beginnings will be beautiful and super fulfilling!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Bonnie Nussbaum
Fantastic Title, Tina! Shelley will definitely give you kudos on that one. And I love the concept, too. I, too, am shedding what wasn’t working anymore and struggling to grow into what does. Nice to know I’m not alone…
Tina Games
Many thanks for your comments, ladies! ~ And Bonnie, you are definitely not alone! 🙂
Cher Gunderson
Tina, what a beautiful metaphor 🙂 You have such a talent for bringing nebulous ideas into tangible form. I’m excited for what awaits you as you’re ready 🙂 I too will be taking this approach, thanks to your encouragement.
Cher Gunderson
Loving this article is an understatement! I identified and laughed when I did. Business menopause is a beautiful way of expressing the change my business is going through as well. I feel I am being Divinely led and not sure where I am going – but it feels right. I think this subject has a lot of mileage left to it!
This describes exactly what I just went through. I left a job that i would have though was great ten years ago, but at this stage of my life, i wanted a job that allowed me more free time and space to create “the next phase” of my career. It’s been life changing. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted when I left. I just knew what i DIDN’T want. After leaving, I started to gravitate towards passions that I had abandoned. I’m starting to find direction for the next career path and it’s very exciting to me. I’ve never seen the parallel between menopause and work, but you’ve nailed it. I think many women will benefit from what you are saying and take this as an opportunity to reinvent themselves and their careers. Thank you.
Can’t help but think of the metaphysical law, as above, so below; as within, so without. You’ve described so beautifully how our outer life is such a reflection of what’s going on for us on in inner level. Ahh, the metamorphoses of our lives, that take us to places previously unknown and unexplored, but right where we’re supposed to be if we go with the prompts. Great blog post!
Loved this Tina! I am not too far away from actual menopause in my personal life however it has been a re-birth for me when I lost my job 2 years ago and now I am really doing my passion work. I love your idea!
Tina – Today actually marks a historical day for me when I fell face down in the mud and felt like I would suffocate because I didn’t think I had the strength to get up – I feared what I might see. What I was faced to deal with in my external life was such a reflection of what I was struggling with on a very deep level inside. I learned to trust the process, I learned to go within, I learned to seek healing and commit to loving myself. I learned to embrace change without gripping on too tight to the past. I learned to be okay with being uncomfortable. I also learned that with new beginnings we must have clear endings….Your posts always invoke wonderful reflections for me and I know that when you are ready to see what is next on your journey that door will swing open and you’ll jump right into the party 🙂
Pam Kachelmeier MA, PC, LC
I too did not know what was about to come through my door 7 years ago, and oh was I ready for it; it is amazing how we contemplate what we need to be doing next, when in reality the universe is guiding us every step of the way. It is still guiding me to this day, all I have to do is remember to listen. Great blog post Tina!
Lea Tran
Lovely post, Tina. Yes, that unknowingness can be so unsettling. I recently realized that uncertainty can be a great gift because it helps you to ask the Divine for guidance.
Reminds me of a talk I went to, where the speaker said: if you don’t have clarity, it’s a good thing: it means you need a higher power to help you. That’s a very good sign that you’re on purpose.