Preparing for a Dramatic New Beginning
On a recent summer evening walk on Coast Guard Beach here on Cape Cod, I took this photo of the extraordinary sky that was unfolding above me. It was right on the edge of day, turning into night. It was quite a dramatic shift!
It reminded me of the times in my life where I felt a dramatic shift within me, as I contemplated a significant life transition. There was a feeling of moving into darkness, to prepare for the next wave of light.
I did a lot of journal writing during those times as I processed what was happening, getting clear on what I was letting go of – and what I was keeping on my journey forward. It felt just as dramatic as the breathtaking Cape Cod sky.
As we all prepare for today’s dramatic solar eclipse, I invite you to notice the shift that’s happening within you as the moon finally has her day in the sun. Notice how she overshadows the sun, becoming more visible in the daytime sky than she has ever been.
Today’s eclipse also happens to coincide with a new moon phase, which brings a time of new beginnings. And because the moon has moved into the astrological sign of Leo, themes of visibility, recognition, creative expression, and stepping into the spotlight will be heightened.
This opens the door for a dramatic new beginning for you!
Where are you noticing dramatic changes in your life? What is shifting within you and outside of you, in order to make room for something dramatically new to emerge?
Where in your life are you ready to be seen more authentically? And how will this impact your path of new beginnings?
This will be the topic of my “end-of-summer” New Moon Discovery sessions – where we’ll venture into the darkness to explore what needs to be released in order for new light to emerge.
What is breaking down within you, so that something else can break through?
If you’re curious, then join me for a private New Moon Discovery session – and use coupon code DRAMATIC for a special end-of-summer savings.
Here’s to honoring the dramatic shift that wants to take place in your life!

Emily Rogers
Thank you for this perspective Tina! I love the questions you ask!
Marian M McCormick
This is absolutely where I’m at–we’ve moved out of our home of 11 years, and I’ve stepped into the unknown as we live in a transition phase. I’m stepping into the fear with more authenticity than ever before, and I know good things are yet to come! Thanks for a great post!
Thanks so much Tina. I am in several transitions right now and journal writing has been powerful with helping me let go and welcome the new.