Bloom Where You Are Planted
What happens when your life is thrown off course, not by your own choosing – and you’re picked up, rattled around, and thrown in another direction?
How do you bloom where planted?
Sometimes, when we’re “stuck” – the Universe makes the movement for us. It picks us up, rattles us around – and puts us somewhere. And it’s there, in that place – where we must find a way to “bloom where planted.”
It will be there, that we begin the “rooting out” process. And part of this involves rooting out those places where we know we’re living out of balance. It’s time to kick the dependencies that suck resources, and become more self-sufficient with our energy.
Imagine taking a walk in nature and being surrounded by the colors and signs of spring. You notice the beautiful lavender petals of the crocus flowers, peeking through the ground. You see robins darting from tree to tree, singing sweet songs of a new season. You’re drawn to the buds on the dogwood tree, ready to burst into full bloom. You feel the change in temperature coming through a light breeze. You can sense that everything is changing – in preparation for a new cycle, a rebirth.
In nature, there is nothing that is not continually renewing itself – and that constant renewal is out of the ground of what no longer is. Nature knows that in order to renew itself, it must step out of the old and into a brighter, lighter way of being – much like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
There’s a shedding of the old in order to make room for the emergence that’s wanting to take place. And like the caterpillar, the change is happening from the inside out – from a place of wholeness and depth.
This is the gift of the spring season – a time of rebirth and new beginnings.
- Where are you being led to begin the “rooting out” process?
- Where are you being invited to make room for the emergence of something new?
- Where are you being guided to bloom where planted?
These are the types of rich questions that we’ll be exploring in this month’s Moonlight Journaling Retreat – where we’ll be dabbling with 18 different journal writing techniques as we journey through the moon phases during a real-time 28-day lunar cycle.
We’ll be focusing on new beginnings that are rooted in the question, “Where in your life are you ready to bloom?”
Come join a beautiful and very sacred circle of creative souls – and dance with your inner wisdom as you explore the various aspects of yourself, your life, and your relationships with others – through the art of journal writing.
We begin on March 27th – just in time for the next new moon – where you’ll be invited to explore new beginnings that are just over the horizon. We’ll also play with the seasonal energy of spring as we spark all kinds of new blooming!
Take your cues from nature and open yourself to new beginnings – one moon phase at a time, one petal at a time – as you blossom into the newest version of you.

Bonnie Nussbaum
This was a wonderful read Tina, thank you for sharing. Spring is such a wonderful time of the year. A time to bloom again, so encouraging and so rejuvenating!
Robin Ann Reid
So many have felt uprooted by recent events, and our focus indeed can be to bloom where we find ourselves, to strengthen ourselves right where we are. Thank you for the lovely and inspirational post.