Opening the Door to a Creative and Juicy Life
On a recent winter evening walk, I couldn’t help but take in the beauty of our lunar goddess as she began to make her way out of darkness and into her first sliver of light. It was a glorious sight!
It was just enough light to see the definition of the moon in the night sky, bringing her out of complete darkness – but not quite enough light for the waxing crescent phase.
It reminded me of those many times in my life, when I would peek my head out of that place of “not knowing” into the light of possibility.
Getting a glimpse of the light, both inner and outer, always stirred an excitement within me.
This is the beauty of the waxing crescent moon phase – a peek at what’s to come.
As we watch the magnificent waxing silvery white circle in the night sky, we can sense our own transformations taking place. It’s during this phase that we can see the moon starting to peek out from beneath the layers of her darkness.
During the phase of the waxing crescent, there’s a strong need to expand the understanding we have of ourselves – and it helps to look at things from a fresher, more juicy perspective.
Who are we underneath all the layers – and how emotionally-connected are we to that part of us? When we peel off all the many labels that we wear every single day, who are we – really?
Are we honoring the life we truly desire? Are we expressing ourselves from the depth of who we really are?
The waxing crescent moon phase is an ideal time for connecting with our authentic voice – and how we’re truly intended to be showing up in the world. It offers a glimpse at what could be possible when we claim our passions, discover our flow, and expand our creative expression.
This will be at the root of my dialogue with colleague Karen Reinhold during the Juicy Life, Juicy YOU interview series – which begins this week. I’ll be joining Karen for a full moon conversation on managing the ebb and flow of life while honoring your true voice.
To listen to this rich dialogue, please visit this page where you can register for the entire series: Juicy Life, Juicy You
Karen is bringing together an array of experts who specialize in the creative lifestyle and who inspire others to lead lives that are authentic, rich, and juicy. They’ll be sharing their best nuggets of wisdom to help guide you on making choices that honor your true voice.
Come join us and be inspired!

Tina, I really enjoyed your symbolic approach to our inner selves. This was a very insightful blog. Thanks!
Lea Tran
Thanks for the beautiful blogpost, Tina. I love the way you describe the magical moon and the wonder she brings into our lives.
There is something about the moon that is mystical and magical and touches me in a deep place. I love how you language our relationship to the moon and the way she mirrors our interaction with life. The Juicy Life, Juicy You series sounds fabulous (it’s a great title!). I’ll check it out!