Journal Writing with the Angels
As a Life Purpose Alchemist, I attract highly-creative and spiritually-minded individuals who are looking for more meaning in their lives, both personally and professionally. They want to feel more connected by being fully present in each and every moment, receiving the divine messages that are intended to guide them on the next phase of their life’s journey.
I call these divine messages “synchronicities” – and they can show up anytime, anywhere – and from anyone. They can even come from the angelic realm.
Today, I’ve invited Angelic Life Coach, Peg Jones to share how we can connect with our own angels through journal writing. Peg recently released her book, Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers Throughout the Year – and has lots of wisdom to share.
Here’s what she had to say about her experience of writing with the angels – and how you can do the same:
PEG: The first I had heard about inspirational writing was through a website that offered a class in doing this, so I signed up. During the class, we were led through a visual meditation after forming a question that captured the support or guidance we were looking for. Then after the meditation, we had ten minutes to write down any words that our guides or spirit was telling us, noting all that we heard or sensed.
During this first exercise, I wanted to hear a message from my angels for myself. So I phrased my question to reflect this and immediately received this response:
“In listening to our words, you are open to our thoughts in a way you never possible. We are always here by your side and we know that you listen to our words. Do not be afraid to write what you hear, for we are helping with this writing of inspiration. Listen to the silent whispers inside of you.
What do you hear? What do you see? What do you feel? Do you feel our love for you? What do you hear? What do you see? What do you feel? Do you feel our love for you? Do you feel the silent whispers of our words to you, in a gentle way? Do you feel a peace when you know we are near?
Be assured that we are always near, to guide and inspire. We want you to hear our words in the silence of your heart. Also to feel the peace that is there and to feel the calm, deep in with you.”
The message that I had heard that day was so meaningful for me – and I knew the angels wanted me to hear their words. It was a loving invitation to work with them – and to hear the messages they wanted to share with me and to know they are genuine.
This message served as a primer for me on how to communicate with my angels. And from that point on, they taught me how to hear, see, feel, and know when they are near. They kept reassuring me that they were near in a most loving way. They also helped me understand the clairs – something I already had knowledge about. The angels were speaking to me about the use of our senses – hearing, seeing, knowing, and feeling.
When I speak of the clairs, I am speaking of clairaudience – which is clear hearing; and clairvoyance – which is clear seeing. There is also clairsentience – which is clear feeling, and claircognizance is clear knowing. There are also two more – olfactory which is smells, and clairgustance which is tasting.
From that first connection, I felt their love so deeply – and I knew that big changes would be taking place in my life. So I continued to take classes from Trudy Griswold, who also wrote a book called, Angelspeake. Her book referenced what I already knew, but it helped inspire me to become a teacher of inspirational writing and served as a guide in creating my signature course, Writing with the Angels.
In the creation of this course, I wanted to focus on how the angels communicated with us because, to me, this is the most important concept to understand. I use a lot of visual meditations in my teachings to help bring students to a place where they can connect with their angels. And afterwards, we usually share experiences of the meditation. Then I invite everyone to ask a question of the angels that relates to the meditation and their personal connection. One of the most basic ways to do this is to focus on a word that is spiritual – asking the angels what they would like to communicate at this time about anything – like love, peace, or joy.
One example might be – “Dear angels, what do you want to tell me today about Love?”
You would be surprised at what you receive in doing this exercise. It’s the asking of your higher spirit to do the writing, and in doing that the angels are right there, speaking their truth of what love is for you in a personal way – or maybe it could be a world view message of love, a message for the world.
Another way that I help others to connect – is to help connect them with a particular angel or archangel. The archangels have specialties that can be of help and comfort to us and to others. For example, Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of Healing for self and others – and he works with doctors, nurses, and healers in the work that they do. Asking Archangel Raphael what he thinks about love would be a much different perspective that Archangel Michael. As we get to know the angels and their specialties, we get the different perspectives of our angels through their messages for us, and we can easily discern whether they are personal messages or messages for everyone.
I have also learned that there doesn’t necessarily have to be a specific angel. You can write more collectively, such as – “Dear angels, what can you tell me about this or that?”
The truly wonderful thing about this is – we were all born with this gift of communicating with our angels. Everyone has this skill.
Another fun exercise is to write a letter to the angels or one specific angel, and then write back from the perspective of the angels. This allows us to tap into our higher self’s perspective. Doing this a few times every week and keeping it in a journal is a wonderful way to keep your writing safe, sacred – and in one place.
The experience of connecting with our angels is truly a wonderful experience. We get so caught up in our daily duties as mom, wife, neighbor, and co-worker. Sometimes we feel stuck, or trapped – or we feel there has to be more to life than what it is like right now. It’s like a yearning of some sort and when we feel that yearning, it’s usually a spiritual connection that’s wanting to come through us. We often forget about the spiritual connections that we have due to the constant routine of everyday activities.
Inspirational speaker and author Wayne Dyer has often spoken of this quote by Telhard de Chardin, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” It took me a long time to understand and comprehend this statement, but now I finally get it.
So go to your heart place and hear the words of your angels, and all in the universe, and know that the love they have for you is always there. They truly want you to feel and know this connection.
To know that our spiritual connections are there for us to access is such a wonderful feeling and so very empowering for us as humans. We lose sight of this fact many times because of the nature of who we think we are while we are here on this wonderful planet called Earth.
As I was writing this article, the angels gave me a short message to share with all who are reading this blog post:
“In letting go of the fears that may be holding you back in some way, know that we, your angels, are there for you to help guide you on your path and in your purpose. Love is the strongest emotion that binds everyone together and to understand that it is your love for all that will empower you to stay on your path. Let love be the one thing you strive for in all that you do and you will feel the peace, the joy of all that you want for your life. We love you always.”
So I wish you joy in your journaling with the angels – and also on the path you are traveling in this very moment of time. The angels ask me to remind you of the uniqueness you possess. It is your gift to the world. And they also ask you to never lose sight of who you truly are!
Peg Jones is an Angelic Life Coach and helps others learn about their angels and how communication is possible with these light beings. She helps people see how the angels can help them in their daily life. Peg teaches angel classes in a variety of online forums and on her website. She is a weekly Blog Talk Radio Host on the Circle of Mediums. Peg is a Akashic Records Practitioner and writes for several ezines. Her book, Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers Throughout the Year was released last summer on Amazon.

Bonnie Nussbaum
I LOVE the idea of writing a letter to an angel! Can’t wait to see what comes of that.
Tina, thank you for this seemingly personally touching article with communication from your guest directly to us. It has opened a place for me to better hear my own angels’ messages.
Cher Gunderson
It is inspiring to be reminded of the silent whispers and love that surrounds us at all times. I appreciate the guidance on how to improve the communication and to receive the messages sent our way.
Great inspiration! I love working with angels and have read several books by Doreen Virtue. Thanks for sharing!
Tina thank you for sharing such fun and inspiring examples of working with and communicating with our Angels!
Absolutely love this blog post! So glad you included Peg’s work which is in keeping with your own. My family from my grandmother on down have been huge advocates of angels and their messages and help. I have a committee of angels I work with regularly when I am involved in a major project or personal issue. Bringing this awareness to others is an opportunity to spread more hope and peace in this beautiful world.
Dorothy Fitzer
That was so sweet Tina. I had a flash as I was reading – it would be so incredibly lovely to have something like this for young kids. Something that really supports and encourages their own spontaneous connection. Just a thought;)
Peg Jones
Thank you, Tina for sharing this blog post!
And thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments!I really enjoyed reading them.
I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be offering an angel communication class toward the end of September (exact dates and times to be finalized soon). It will most likely be held in the evening via a teleconference line or possibly through Google hangout. I’ll be posting more information on my website very soon.
I also teach a class in inspirational writing with the angels, which can be taken individually or in a group.
If you’re interested in either class, please contact me at peg_jones@hotmail.com.
Dorothy, what a wonderful idea to work with children. I worked as a preschool teacher for over 30 years and I’m in the process of writing a book on the angels. I would love to connect with you to discuss your ideas. I love to share ideas with others, especially ideas for kids to help them navigate all the craziness in our world today (this is good for any age really).
Thank you again, Tina for sharing this blog post! 🙂
Pam Kachelmeier MA, PC, LC
What would we do without our angels; what a great article, the angels are around us all the time as I found out in Brazil – they speak to us in so many different ways…all we need to do is listen 🙂
Peg Jones
I have a page up now on my website for my Angel Communication Class that i am planning to announce tomorrow .. You can checkout the page and if you have any questions Let me know and if you want to sign up for the class email me at the email address on the page
Have a great day and thank you again for your responses on the blog post.
Tina Games
Thank you for letting us know about your upcoming class, Peg! 🙂
Peg Jones
Yes , i have the page up and there is a sign up if you are interested and i am also available for a 15 min, consult if you have any questions about the class… Have a great day..