• Gratitude – One of Life’s Greatest Teachers

    Thanksgiving is just around the corner here in the United States – and at the heart of this national holiday is gratitude. Take a moment, as you’re reading this, to reflect on what it is that you’re most grateful for in your life. Allow yourself to focus on any images, words, and emotions that capture this energy of gratitude – and make note of them in a journal or a notebook. Now think about the parts of your life where you could use a bit of inspiration – to spark an even deeper sense of gratitude. Even challenges can be inspiring when you take the time to examine them through a lens of possibility, seeing the lessons they bring into your life. Are you able…

  • How Can a Breakdown Lead to a Breakthrough?

    We’ll be moving into a full moon phase this week in the astrological sign of Taurus. This will combine the intense energy of a Scorpio Sun with the grounding energy of a Taurus Moon. For many of us, the past month has felt like being in the midst of a breakdown – almost tornado-like with no sense of when (or where) we might be landing. Because Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs, there is a strong energy that stares us in the face, asking us to get a grip. It’s time to make the most of what we have. It’s time to bloom where we’re planted. It’s time to be resourceful. It’s time to make a decision. In other words, how can you best…

  • What Are the Gifts in Life’s Darker Moments?

    With the sudden passing of actor and comedian, Robin Williams – depression has once again taken the spotlight. This time, however, it’s being met with a compassion and empathy that I haven’t seen before. Because Williams lived his life through a lens of humor and laughter – and came across as an approachable and joyful beam of light, many took his passing quite personally, as if they’d known him on an intimate level. And in many ways, this was true – as the characters he played on television and in films represented the types of people that we could all identify with in one way or another. Even in his personal interviews with talk show hosts and reporters, Williams conveyed an energy that was instantly…

  • What is Life Purpose – and How Does It Impact Legacy?

    People often ask me, “What is life purpose?” Life purpose is all about how you show up in the world – in a very authentic, intuitive, divinely-inspired way. Life purpose is a life thread – a personal energy, a set of values – that weaves its way through our life tapestry. It shows up in our creative expression, in our parenting, in our professional work, in our community service, in our choice of hobbies and personal activities, in our relationships with others, in our relationship with self, and in our relationship with the Earth. It’s about making deep and meaningful connections within – and without. It’s what shapes our journey and our experiences in this lifetime. It’s what we’re here to learn – and what we’re…

  • How Does Spring Influence New Beginnings?

    We all come to periods in our lives when we sit down and reflect on the path we have chosen – sometimes regretting certain choices and missed opportunities. And many of us have made drastic changes along the way, trying to make a fresh start in life. Yet no matter what we do, we always end up feeling the same way. The outer conditions may be different, but inside we’re still the same. So when and how does a genuine fresh start begin? Imagine taking a walk in nature and being surrounded by the colors and signs of spring. You notice the beautiful lavender petals of the crocus flowers, peeking through the ground. You see robins darting from tree to tree, singing sweet songs of…