• The Power of Your Creative Ripple

    One of my biggest spiritual teachers was my mother. The unfortunate thing is – she never knew it. And truthfully, neither did I – until she transitioned from the human realm to the spiritual realm. It was this transition that magnified the power of my own teachings about life purpose legacy, helping solidify that everything does happen for a reason. As her daughter, I was able to see how her life story affected my own. As a Life Purpose Alchemist, I’m a lover of story. I genuinely love hearing people tell their life stories. Through their words, through their laughter, through their tears – I hear threads of meaning, threads of purpose. And I have a divinely-creative gift for weaving these threads together in a…

  • Using Vulnerability as a Measure of Courage

    Being a spiritual artist involves taking creative risks. We’re often putting ourselves out there for the world to see – through our words, our art, and our creative endeavors. Some will love our work while others may not. But that’s okay. We’re not here to please everyone. We’re here to serve our creative purpose in the best way we can – through the divine gifts we’ve been given. And in serving our purpose, we’re often relying on the strength of our vulnerability. As popular author, storyteller, and researcher Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.” It takes a LOT of courage to be vulnerable. When we’re vulnerable, we’re shedding our exterior layers – exposing the rawness of who we are. We’re being real.…

  • Celebrating the Winter Solstice

    Over the past few weeks, I’ve been hearing more and more women talk about emotions that are related to some aspect of grieving. And I don’t mean the death of a loved one, but the death of some part of their life that they’ve come to know intimately – or the death of something inside of them. For some, they’ve lost jobs or seen unexpected changes in their businesses that they weren’t prepared for – while others have experienced divorces or an empty nest for the first time. And then there are those who are going through physical changes like a pregnancy or menopause – while others are finding themselves stuck in an emotional rut and craving some form of clarity. Whatever the case may be, it’s…

  • How Will This Full Moon Spark Your Creativity?

    We’ll be entering a Full Moon phase tonight in the astrological sign of Pisces, which brings a very intuitive and creative energy laced with a strong sense of mysticism. This is a great time to pull projects off the shelf or ideas out of the dusty files of our mind that stir up who we are on an emotional and spiritual level. If you have something that you’ve been wanting to start, but haven’t for one reason or another – now is the time! With the energy of a Pisces Full Moon, you have direct access to your own creative, intuitive, and emotional gifts. And because this is a Harvest Moon, if there’s a project that’s been waiting for the “right time” – this is it! It’s time to harvest…

  • How Journal Writing Can Help You Gain Clarity

    Are you feeling stuck? Or perhaps you’re contemplating a new creative project or a new creative direction? During times of deliberation or when you’re facing a creative block, journal writing can help. It can be a powerful way to connect with your authentic self and your core beliefs. It can also help you see the many options that will lead you to a bigger vision. Journal writing is a form of therapeutic writing. It’s the process of chronicling those many thoughts that are swirling around in your head – with no worries of being censored. From our poetry to our music to our storytelling, writing what we see, think and feel has always had therapeutic value. Our entire history as humans comes from thousands of…