• Manifesting Money – and Miracles

    Whether we realize it or not, many of us are stuck in a “money pattern” – and it affects everything we think, see, and do around money. Our beliefs about money have been handed down to us through generations, in a variety of different ways, shaping how we view the subject of money. Think about the news you see on television or hear on the radio or read in the newspaper. How much of it is fear-based? How much of it stems from scarcity – the fear of never having enough or being good enough? Our relationship with money is not just a series of practical actions. If that’s all it required, everyone would have an easy time with it. The truth is – there’s…

  • The Gifts of Gratitude Journaling

    The summer season brings an energy of celebration and light. It’s an ideal time to notice the many gifts in your life, both personally and professionally – and to begin intention-setting for the months ahead and the new year that’s just over the horizon. But what if you’re in a frame of mind that’s not so positive, causing you to get lost in a sea of negativity? If you’re finding yourself challenged by day-to-day issues, it’s helpful to remember what is going right in your life. This is where gratitude journaling comes in. Working with the law of attraction, this journaling technique helps switch the focus from negative to positive. And after a few days of gratitude journaling, the mindset starts to change – and…

  • How Can Winter Inspire Your Inner Genius?

    The darkness of the winter season brings an opportunity to reflect on your life’s journey by taking a closer look at who you are – underneath the layers of life. It’s a great time to turn within and write about your innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires. By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – you can reach a place where your personal reflection begins to shed its own light. It’s a time to ponder where you’ve been, how you got to where you are now – and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and to prepare for a new path of travel. It also marks an ideal time for…

  • What Can You Create Using What You Already Have?

    It’s a wonderful time of year for fresh starts and new beginnings – and opportunities to see things a bit differently than you may have before. Have you ever looked into your food pantry and dreamed up a dish using the ingredients you already have – without a need to go out to the grocery story? Imagine for a moment – using this analogy in your current life, business, or creative process. What can you “cook up” using the ingredients you already have? We’ll be moving into a new moon phase this weekend in the practical and resourceful sign of Capricorn. It’s a great time to review what you already have in place, both personally and professionally – and begin to look for creative ways to…

  • How Resourceful Are You?

    We’re entering a full moon phase tonight in the practical and resourceful sign of Capricorn. It’s a great time to review what you already have in place, both personally and professionally – and begin to look for creative ways to rework, reframe, or reshape what might be feeling old and stagnant. Many times, all we need is a refresh – and not an overhaul. As author and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins says – “Success is not about your resources. It’s about how resourceful you are with what you have.” How creative are you with the resources you already have? Rather than continually looking for “something else” – how can you make the best of what you already possess? Pay close attention to what’s under your nose –…