• The Gifts of Gratitude Journaling

    The summer season brings an energy of celebration and light. It’s an ideal time to notice the many gifts in your life, both personally and professionally – and to begin intention-setting for the months ahead and the new year that’s just over the horizon. But what if you’re in a frame of mind that’s not so positive, causing you to get lost in a sea of negativity? If you’re finding yourself challenged by day-to-day issues, it’s helpful to remember what is going right in your life. This is where gratitude journaling comes in. Working with the law of attraction, this journaling technique helps switch the focus from negative to positive. And after a few days of gratitude journaling, the mindset starts to change – and…

  • Taking Life One Day at a Time

    We’ve all heard the phrase, “Keep your eye on the prize.” This can be interpreted in many different ways – depending on what the “prize” means to us. But it usually requires some sort of vision that allows us to put a plan into place and the law of attraction to work. This vision gives us the opportunity to become more aware of the synchonicities around us – which hold messages from the universe as well as our inner spirit, letting us know that we are indeed on the right path. But when we’re in the middle of a difficult transition, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the emotions of “just getting through it.” That’s why it’s important to take a deep breath, adjust the…

  • How Does Gratitude Link to Abundance?

    As we approach Thanksgiving here in the United States – and officially begin the holiday season, my mind has been drifting toward the meaning of gratitude – and what being grateful has brought to my life. Gratitude has often been linked to abundance. As author and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says, “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” If you’re finding yourself challenged by day-to-day issues or overwhelmed with the emotions that stem from the holiday season, it’s helpful to remember what it is going right in your life. This is where gratitude journaling comes in. Working with the law of attraction, this journaling technique helps switch the focus from the negative to the positive. And…