• Are You Curious about Digital Journal Writing?

    When most of us think of journal writing, we picture ourselves sitting in a big, comfy chair by a window in a coffee shop. We have a hardbound, maybe spiral journal in our hands and our favorite pen – and we’re scribbling away. This creates the space we need to let our thoughts pour out of our mind and onto the page. But what about those who aren’t so keen on the traditional journaling method of writing by hand? These are individuals who would rather type out their thoughts on computers – perhaps even moving notes around so they can keep them grouped in a particular way. These days, digital journaling is picking up momentum. It’s a form of collecting and documenting one’s thoughts on…

  • The Journey of Synchronicity

    Imagine being outside on a cool, crisp autumn evening, looking up above and seeing dozens of stars scattered throughout the night sky. They seem to be sparkling with a magical energy that you don’t quite understand, yet you somehow feel connected to it. You sense that the stars “know” what your dreams are and what your passions are – and they’re beckoning you to follow your heart. They appear to have the answers – the answers you’re searching for as you begin to ponder a new beginning for yourself, either personally or professionally – maybe both. As you begin to ponder the direction you want to take and what next steps are needed to get there, think back to the many messages that have been…

  • How Does Autumn Inspire Rich Colors of Change for You?

    In just a few days, a new season begins – and with it, comes an extraordinary amount of change. I love the rich, vibrant colors of autumn. It’s my favorite season of the year – and oh, so inspiring! How does this colorful season inspire the “rich color” within you? How does it spark your creative process? Imagine taking an autumn walk and being surrounded by the richness of change. You see the leaves changing colors, perhaps dropping to the ground. You notice that squirrels are running around, looking for nuts to store for the winter. You notice the flower beds are getting a little more bare. You can sense that everything is changing – in preparation for a new cycle. In nature, there is…

  • Finding Light in the Darkness

    Like the moon, we all go through phases in our lives. We have ups and downs, we go forward and backward – and sometimes we seem to circle back around. We may hide behind the clouds or peek from beneath the clouds. But in the midst of what can feel like a blackout, when we are open to making a connection with our authentic self, we can get to a point where we’re able to beam with full light. During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, with the exception of little sparkles of light in the form of stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new…

  • Turning Brokenness into Beauty

    Many of us are familiar with the saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Think about the dandelion. While one might see a weed, another might see a beautiful and vibrant yellow flower – or perhaps something that they can add to a salad that’s high in nutrients. It’s all a matter of perspective. And in several cultures across the globe, beauty is celebrated in unique ways, depending on how it’s viewed. In Japan, for example, broken objects are often repaired with gold. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object’s history – which adds to its beauty. Thinking about yourself and your own life, what do you consider “broken?” And how might another see this “flaw” as beauty? These…